Tue, Feb 18, 11:54 PM CST

I Am Cherokee

Poser Fantasy posted on May 16, 2005
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I am Cherokee and proud of the blood that has been passed to me. This is part 3 in the sexy men with long hair series:) Wanted to do something a little different with this one. Again this is Hiro. Can you believe it? Its amazing what you can do with him. This face will be available in the pack I am working on. I promise it will be coming soon. I had to put it aside for the moment as I am working on another project. Yes I know he does not have the features of a Native American, but that wasnt the point of the image:) Poster now available :) http://www.cafepress.com/ravnheart Thanks for viewing!:)

Comments (79)


6:24PM | Wed, 18 May 2005

WHOA mama..he is beautiful!! He looks so regal and magnificent and I LOVE this series! WOW! V



11:16PM | Wed, 18 May 2005

Yummy Yummy! I love his look! do you think he's single? ... Oh well, who cares?... I'm not :( LoL :-P Fantastic morph honey!! Cool hair!! Vote



7:18AM | Thu, 19 May 2005

AWESOME work,, V Hugsssss Linda :-)



1:50PM | Fri, 20 May 2005



9:52PM | Fri, 20 May 2005

Extraordinary art. I am part Cherokee so this very heart stirring. You might enjoy the book," History,Myths,and Sacred Formulas of the Cherokee" by a fabulous writter James Mooney.



12:27PM | Sat, 21 May 2005

Bold and very well done. My husband is Lakota Sioux from the Cheyenne River Sioux res in South Dakota. He was born and raised there.



4:49PM | Sat, 21 May 2005

Wow! Fabulous job yet again! Love the hair and tats! :D



5:37AM | Sun, 22 May 2005

Magnific !!



8:27AM | Mon, 23 May 2005

Outstanding artwork :) ____ali x



7:59PM | Mon, 23 May 2005

Excellent..., simply awesome work Gina... :-)



11:28PM | Mon, 23 May 2005

magnific bravo



9:20PM | Mon, 06 June 2005

And I Am Stunned! lol! Aboslutely, insanely perfect and worked with such creative finesse!! Your style boggles my mind and the art you produce is divine! Superb artwork!!!



10:36PM | Fri, 17 June 2005

I agree with Styxx this is such a professional image. You rock sister! LOVE IT!!



12:48PM | Sun, 19 June 2005

Incredible image. This is so real, so life like. I think you mentioned that this was going to be used as a model in a game...? Would love a PM on what game that is. You must be very excited. :)



10:16PM | Sat, 23 July 2005

I truly love this. I do not know why I did not see it before!!!! Amazing work and words!!!



9:48AM | Sun, 27 November 2005

Bravo! This is a very beautifl picture! Excellent artwork!



7:22PM | Sat, 03 December 2005

Fantastic character !!!!!!



1:50PM | Fri, 11 August 2006

Most impressive....!!!!!



1:09AM | Mon, 11 September 2006

OMG I am totally in awe of this image Also one of my first views of yours.... This is just stunning and very impressive Should be on a wall preferably mine... This is definitely going to my favs Just totally awesome...also nice to meet you and hope you come visit me as well Hugs Susan~

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