Wed, Feb 12, 9:48 PM CST

Purges: Expedition

Poser Film/TV posted on Jan 11, 2005
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Ibki Da's life had changed.. She had lived a life of leisure. Her nights had been spent in the clubs and party spots about Coruscant, enjoying the company of the affluent and the well to do. They would spend their credits to be near her. Life was at a constant state of enjoyment. Until the Jedi Woman appeared, who had called herself Tanzia Fawks. Her life had become a blur since then. The escape from the Club, the mad dash into the sewers, and the fight with the Monster. She could still smell the Ozone from the Weapons, the blank look on the face of the Jedi woman as she lay there with a cauterized hole in her chest. Tanzia had fought to save her from the monster. His words rang in her ears as he was joined by another, a man in soft leather armor.... "

Comments (19)



10:50AM | Tue, 11 January 2005

Terrific scene and composition!! Like all of your images, the lighting and atmosphere are Outstanding!!


11:37AM | Tue, 11 January 2005

Wonderful image and story. You are so talented, I can't believe more people don't leave comments. Your scenes are so detailed and lit so well. Excellent textures and characters. Excellent work!



12:11PM | Tue, 11 January 2005

Like it!



12:33PM | Tue, 11 January 2005

Yo! This really Fawks me up!!! that is awesome! I love the story there, and that detail work...WOW! Fan-flipping-tastic! Dude this so rocks, I am a total Star Wars nerd! WOW!


2:49PM | Tue, 11 January 2005

Wow that is a great star wars image. Like the story too!



2:55PM | Tue, 11 January 2005

Great sci-fi image. Wonderful lighting and excelent mood and atmosphere.



5:58PM | Tue, 11 January 2005

Wow! Excellent scene! Very cool lighting.



6:36PM | Tue, 11 January 2005

A perfectly set up scene!!!! The lighting is really incredible!!! EXCELLENT!



11:16PM | Tue, 11 January 2005

Bravo on your very effective use of lighting and atmosphere!



12:02AM | Wed, 12 January 2005

Excellent job zaphre my friend I like this image very munch Vote. :)



5:23AM | Wed, 12 January 2005

a Lot of depth. Brilliant!



1:20AM | Thu, 13 January 2005

Lucas would be quite happy with this image for sure. Well lit, great characters, the whole shebang. Well done...



1:27PM | Thu, 13 January 2005

Wow, stunning sci-fi composition... superb lighting and atmosphere, great story too ! Very detaild and wonderful artwork !!



2:15PM | Thu, 13 January 2005

Wonderful image, excellent work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


3:32PM | Thu, 13 January 2005

Excellent Scifi Work! The light is stunning! I like the Poses 2



7:15PM | Tue, 18 January 2005

This is outstanding! The details and the light are incredible!!



6:47AM | Tue, 01 February 2005

eccellente anche questo


1:06AM | Fri, 05 May 2006

Hey - I'm loving your work, but your gallery doesn't have all the artwork from this thread of yours, and I'd love to see/read more. Anywhom, keep it up.


10:11AM | Sun, 25 January 2009

Very well done and Impressive as well. You guys are like alot better then I am with these programs whatever you use and I am not great with Daz yet.

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