Fri, Feb 14, 1:09 AM CST

//{}+ArmaGettin' Tangled+{}\\

Terragen Atmosphere/Mood posted on Jun 30, 2004
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So there I was, standing in the middle of what had to be the most insane thing I have ever seen...As they sun beamed through the clouds, the rush of particles went haywire entangling me in a web of dispair..... Ok well I spruced up this pic with a "little(10 mins)" post work on the sky... I hope you all like it...I've been really having fun with it all... -Aaron T

Comments (15)



10:54AM | Wed, 30 June 2004

Cool blend of terrain and sky..just a little post,eh?...great work!



11:07AM | Wed, 30 June 2004

Very Unique! Quality Pic here nice and crisp and Colorful! I Really like to see different styles, Thanks! You must tell us how you did it? Cool Work! Damn there's not a Ranking for Cool! ;o)



11:25AM | Wed, 30 June 2004

Nice blending and a unique concept - and this remark coming from a TG purist! (we all go a little insane sometimes...)


11:46AM | Wed, 30 June 2004

Beautiful,i like everything,wonderful!



12:21PM | Wed, 30 June 2004

"a little postwork on the sky"... ;) so where's this sky? ;) Beautiful blend of shapes and colors. Pleasure to watch at.



12:35PM | Wed, 30 June 2004

i like it much, crazy sky, wonderful colors, great terrain and surface, all fits perfectly together! fantastic!



5:38PM | Wed, 30 June 2004

Excellent use of TG and postwork. I like it a lot. Great artwork.



6:45PM | Wed, 30 June 2004

Very nice work. Quite rich surfaces.



3:26AM | Thu, 01 July 2004

superb image love the sky, what about a tutorial?great terrain too:)



5:07AM | Thu, 01 July 2004

WOWOWOW! I must agree with Jay (Bu5z)! I adore this terrain, colours and pw!!



5:27AM | Thu, 01 July 2004

Brilliant concept and colours - superb artwork, imo - well done - I love it! V



5:57AM | Thu, 01 July 2004

Agree with joshus_hund! xlnt!


4:04PM | Fri, 02 July 2004

inovative and yeah... I admire it ^^



8:31PM | Fri, 02 July 2004

different, but cool!...I like it!



1:06PM | Mon, 10 January 2005

Very cool stuff!

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