Mon, May 20, 11:45 PM CDT

Crying for Nick Berg

ArtMatic World Events/Social Commentary posted on May 12, 2004
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Dear friends, today I cannot help but make public my heavy heart over Nick Berg's slaughter. This image is no great piece of art. I made it several years ago in ArtMatic 1.2. It only reflects my mood. I am tempted to make political statements but shall restrain myself. -Tino Hammid

Comments (3)


6:12PM | Wed, 12 May 2004

Nice image Tino. Not really much to add.


8:46PM | Wed, 12 May 2004

A nice tribute to Nick's memory. You might restrain yourself but I'm not. I'm starting to agree with what Robin Williams said in his comedy routine- that the US should withdraw all military from the foreign countries, post the service members at our boarders and give those in the US illegally 60 days to leave before we start to deport them. My thoughts: it seems like the world only wants our help when we are handing out money. I think we should stop and use that money here to help the problems that our citizens have first. I also believe what his parents have said, if Nick was allowed to leave Iraq when he wanted to, he'd be alive today.


8:09PM | Mon, 17 May 2004

Thank you for this. I forced myself to watch the videotape of Berg's murder. It is too gruesome for words. All reports indicate that Berg was a gentle and positive soul who only wanted to help people.

On April 10, the US State Dept offered to fly him to Amman, Jordan, but he refused, saying that he had arranged overland passage to Kuwait. Had he remained in custody, he would have lived. Had he accepted safe passage from the US gov't, he would have lived. Had he not had the courage to try to help out the Iraqi people in the first place, he would have lived.

There is no justification for his brutal, appalling murder. I hope that the people who did it are brought to justice before they can kill again. His screams still haunt my memory.

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