Tue, Feb 11, 6:25 AM CST


Terragen Fantasy posted on Apr 30, 2004
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This one is a half year old, and my first thought after the render was finished was, to reject it. The sky was boring and two-dimensional, but I liked the surfacing and the terrain itself - I laid it 'on ice', for later use. Two days ago I re-discovered it and did a new sky look to it - the result looks, like I've been on drugs, but I swear, NO....! *ggg*

Comments (18)



12:25AM | Fri, 30 April 2004

I love that sky and surface and terrain are excellent as always!



12:27AM | Fri, 30 April 2004

Excellent Depth and Render!



12:30AM | Fri, 30 April 2004

Superb surfaces!! Excellent terrain and sky too!



12:34AM | Fri, 30 April 2004

Excellent Sky,terrain and Surface ! Einfach ein super Bild.



12:37AM | Fri, 30 April 2004

This re-discovery is a treasure. And, that sky has the irridescence of an opal...very nice combination. This is a real beauty Lutz!


1:28AM | Fri, 30 April 2004

Beautiful image has some type of strange glow/feel or something, that makes it really different. This I really like.


2:26AM | Fri, 30 April 2004

I can stop peyotl when I want, too :o)


2:26AM | Fri, 30 April 2004

Love how the sky changes colors. Very cool clouds and I also like the terrain.


2:56AM | Fri, 30 April 2004

Mushrooms from mexico give often this kind of render ;-))



2:58AM | Fri, 30 April 2004

@hill & Christian: Holy sh**! LOL


3:19AM | Fri, 30 April 2004

Sch, dass Du uns das doch noch gezeigt hast und auch gut, dass Du ein paar Nhte darer geschlafen hast ;-) um noch auf die Idee mit diesem wirklich schen Himmel zu kommen. Xlt! @ christian: LOL


3:44AM | Fri, 30 April 2004

and you made well take it again, it is superb!!



9:34AM | Fri, 30 April 2004

... sometimes the trip never ends! ;-) Very cool render! Besonders mag ich die surface mit den gelben Stellen!



10:21AM | Fri, 30 April 2004

voll geniale stimmung und top himmel. die surface lst mich auch erstaunen. fantastisches bild, Lutz !!



12:03PM | Fri, 30 April 2004

The sky is awesome but, IMHO...I think the terrain is a bit too soft and the dark shadow detracts a little...still, I like this image!!



8:12PM | Sun, 02 May 2004

Fantastic sky, lighting and colors!



3:17AM | Tue, 04 May 2004

Fantastic lighting/effects, pov and surface



5:30AM | Sun, 09 May 2004

Absolutely stunning work Lutz ! Love that blurring effect on the left !

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