Thu, Feb 13, 2:31 AM CST

Mother Knows Best - Rework

2D Atmosphere/Mood posted on Dec 28, 2003
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The "last version" of this was created in a bit of a frenzy (about 14 hours to completion), so it wasn't really finished. In my haste to upload it seems that I forgot to put the ear, eye and whiskers on the mechanical mouse and the barbed wire was hidden in amongst shadows. I hope this version causes a little less confusion ;) ~*@*~ Created in Photoshop V7. ~*@*~ Thanks for viewing :D

Comments (25)


7:52AM | Sun, 28 December 2003

This is a stunning picture! Would make a great oil painting! This is lovely and worth every minute you spent, I'm sure. VOTE



8:03AM | Sun, 28 December 2003

Magnificent piece of art :] I LOVE IT!!!



8:05AM | Sun, 28 December 2003

Or rather, Mother thinks she knows best! Some parents ignorantly gift their children with the wrong things while neglecting what really matters. Just sorry I didn't grasp the irony first time round L
Thanks for finishing this Cassie, those final tweaks make all the difference. Stunning work sweetie hugs :-)



8:07AM | Sun, 28 December 2003

Oh, my. Reminds me a little of my own "wise" mother and her idiotic ideas about what sort of junk I needed to be force fed... But other than the concept, the execution is really quite good. Nice composition. Did this in Photoshop, eh? How many layers, 2000? ;-) Really nice, I'm glad I saw this today.



8:20AM | Sun, 28 December 2003

nice work! Can tell a lot of effort has gone into it! And the results are worth it! Well done :@)



9:10AM | Sun, 28 December 2003

this was worth to rework it - this was a unbelivable picture as you posted the first time - but now - dang!! - i have to sit down, and try to breath - this is really breathtaking - not only that it is a perfect painting (i really mean perfect), no, the subject matter is also brilliant - cassie, its a honor to know you - you are for sure a true artist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


9:50AM | Sun, 28 December 2003

Totally fantastic, I know see what you were trying to say with your little story. Fantastic imagination and execution. Way to go Cass


9:53AM | Sun, 28 December 2003

no mistaking what that could be this time around, absolutely luv this piece, all your long hours & talent really shine through, would luv this framed on the wall, you''re work is fanfrickintastic! :]


11:07AM | Sun, 28 December 2003

Wonderful composition, well done!


12:53PM | Sun, 28 December 2003

Geez moms a meanie!



12:55PM | Sun, 28 December 2003

Well I really didn't think it could get better but I love those extra little details & they do enhance your (already painfully clear!) message.



5:39PM | Sun, 28 December 2003

Still an unbelievable piece! Wonderful work!



10:00PM | Sun, 28 December 2003

Your painting is just amazing! Fantastic...



5:31AM | Mon, 29 December 2003

I didn't get the full impact of the first upload, but now that I have... shivers I'm sure those feathers on the wing are so soft. The mouse, funnily enough, also looks like a skull to me. The irony of it isn't lost in this one it leaps right out and smacks you. this is such an awesome piece of work, you captured things so brilliantly! huge hugs!


8:40AM | Mon, 29 December 2003

I adored it before.. imagine now :) I am sad the time online these days isn't comprehensive enough for letting us chat angel...but you're with me always :) Please let me know when I can phone you :) Luv,Meli :)



5:56PM | Mon, 29 December 2003

Super Cassie, You had me going with the first upload, LOL A wonderful story and just goes to show mother doesnt always know best, even one as beautiful as this. :0 )



3:31AM | Tue, 30 December 2003

cassie - this is really great!!! - thanks for sharing...



4:28PM | Tue, 30 December 2003

I liked it before, so now I like it even more!



8:38PM | Thu, 01 January 2004

MY GOD!! This is simply amazing. Your talent blows me away, thank you for sharing that talent with us once again.



7:26AM | Sun, 04 January 2004

Bellissimo lavoro, complimenti!!!



7:31AM | Sun, 04 January 2004

Thank you for this wonderful picture. I agree with Cynlee, it would be a good one framed in my room.


7:15AM | Thu, 08 January 2004

same as for previous + one more woooow and vote :)



4:09PM | Sun, 01 February 2004

This is beautifully done and really kind of eerie, too!



3:14PM | Sat, 13 March 2004

Fantastic!! Though the mouse looks very crunchy!! LOL ;) Great work!!!



5:58AM | Wed, 03 January 2007

Amazing with a capital A!

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