Sat, Feb 8, 7:38 AM CST

The Tower

Bryce Science Fiction posted on Oct 25, 2003
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Finally! I thought this one would take forever. Just another set from Renderville and its strange devices. :) Bryce, Photoshop (most of the city in the back), & Universe Image Creator. Hope you enjoy.

Comments (148)


11:50AM | Sun, 26 October 2003 while busy picking my jaws up from the floor. :)



12:14PM | Sun, 26 October 2003

Not normally my thing, I tend to think in the past, but this is just "WOW"


12:26PM | Sun, 26 October 2003

Hoooah? In B...B...Bryce!? Wow! Never knew it was capable of something like this! I better get working!



1:29PM | Sun, 26 October 2003

I can't tell you how much your work inspires me. This is another marvelous pic.Vote!


1:39PM | Sun, 26 October 2003

Speechless... just amazing.


3:03PM | Sun, 26 October 2003

Your work never ceases to amaze me, as you never cease to improve. Hats off, excellent and a vote.



3:42PM | Sun, 26 October 2003

I love it, the atmosphere, the ambiance, textures, you are at once both inspiring and depressing. Inspiring because I love what you do and depressing because I could only hope, someday, to do as half as well (and you need more tuts on this kind of thing)...A TOP NOTCH render of imagination!!!! got my vote



5:13PM | Sun, 26 October 2003

oh, wow. down to the details it rocks! that thing looks like it could make a walloping big arc! how many volts?



5:23PM | Sun, 26 October 2003

All I can say is this picture is downright AWESOME!!!!! Fantastic work. 8) A VOTE from me for sure!



5:29PM | Sun, 26 October 2003

Damn, that came out well. Thinking of putting my copy of bryce out of its misery right now ;)



5:52PM | Sun, 26 October 2003

Just breathtaking and surely a vote!



5:56PM | Sun, 26 October 2003

Very cool Render bud!


6:20PM | Sun, 26 October 2003

Hehe I think my comment will drown in the ocean of all the others S Do I need to say the words? Yes definetly!! This is incredible, what a blast!!! I love this =) would be great with some nice beings too of yours ;) to even add more to this magic scenery :)



6:40PM | Sun, 26 October 2003




8:18PM | Sun, 26 October 2003

Outstanding work!



9:19PM | Sun, 26 October 2003

Ya know where this one's going....


9:21PM | Sun, 26 October 2003

Look at the details!!! Glorious!



11:04PM | Sun, 26 October 2003


11:26PM | Sun, 26 October 2003

So when are you going to start doing cover art for Sci-fi books and the like? (If you haven't done so already. LOL)



12:55AM | Mon, 27 October 2003

Fantastic image, as usual!!! So many details, the mood and the models - all is fantastic!!!


1:49AM | Mon, 27 October 2003

aaaaaarrgghhhh , how do you so this , excellent !!



2:04AM | Mon, 27 October 2003

As ever, another great image...... Seeing the image in the Bryce Forum, I'm impressed by how good the post work is, as well as the original.



3:11AM | Mon, 27 October 2003




4:27AM | Mon, 27 October 2003

You are best! My compliments! Vote!



9:06AM | Mon, 27 October 2003

Stunning and superb beyond imagining. Just excellent



11:33AM | Mon, 27 October 2003

As usual: a scifi work of art! Awesome!



12:50PM | Mon, 27 October 2003

AWESOME! Your attention to detail is incredible. Matched only by your imagination and the superb skill you have for creating a truly believable setting! Your art is mesmerizing.


3:49PM | Mon, 27 October 2003

In all good faith, I had to vote for this image before I could even comment. This is by far your best sci-fi accomplishment to date. Your blending of pic images and 3d models is absolutely seamless. Your choice of composition and colors is outstanding. This whole thing is "out of this world" no pun intended. I hope to see this in the HOT 20 for ever, although it deserves to be in the number 1 spot until I usurp it :)


8:26PM | Mon, 27 October 2003

What a vast sense of scale and technology! Where do you come up with this stuff?!?! (believes you have an extra art-related organ, like the pineal gland only different...)



9:17PM | Mon, 27 October 2003

what a list eh?lol...your work is exellent I really love it and You have my vote :)

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