Mon, Feb 17, 9:50 PM CST

Vita Della Citta (City Life)

Bryce Still Life posted on Aug 19, 2003
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Bryce 5/Poser 4/PS 7 All walls modeled with terrains using height/bump maps of their textures. Sort of a new technique to us with very realistic results. Made all the shutters out of terrains also. Please share your thoughts on our work.

Comments (24)


8:37PM | Tue, 19 August 2003

What a lot of work to arrange all these objects! Beautiful done and scene!!!


9:07PM | Tue, 19 August 2003

Really really love this, POV is perfect.



9:15PM | Tue, 19 August 2003

Richly detailed. Your hard work pays off.


9:33PM | Tue, 19 August 2003

Beautiful...Like the POV...Excellent work!!!



9:45PM | Tue, 19 August 2003

I can only imagine the work you put into this. exceptional! It is the sort of image I could stare at for hours.


10:07PM | Tue, 19 August 2003

Wonderful artwork. Lots for the viewer to enjoy. I like the shutters very much, and also all the attention you paid to detail. Love the sunshine in the courtyard also. Splendid work! -SeaC-


11:19PM | Tue, 19 August 2003

Now This is a lot of detail. Guess the ones below end up with a lot of new clothes sometimes LOL.POV is awsome...makes me look like I am in it.One thing I have an opinion about is the frame.I thought the right side at first was part of it.Maybe use a less textured frame. Otherwise this is one heck of a good image.



11:54PM | Tue, 19 August 2003

Fabulous image! Great texturing and modeling. Interestingly busy scene. It draws me in and there is so much to see.



12:25AM | Wed, 20 August 2003

I think it is excellent. This image reminds me of the housing system we have in India. People living in blocks and flats. Infact I think my house is the one on the ground floor.;). The young lad with the man with the stick seems like me and my son after my spinal surgery, heeheheheh..... I read amethss comments about the frame and am in full agreement that you need a non texturised frame there so that it doesnt merge with the mats of the building. It musta taken lotsa efforts to make that one and to make it so pleasing to the eye, you done an excellent job dear friends. :)



12:51AM | Wed, 20 August 2003

Fabulous scene ! What a lot of work to set all those beautiful details... I very like the camera angle, the textures and the lighting. Wonderfully done !



2:01AM | Wed, 20 August 2003

Amazing terrain and texture work guys! Love all the life and details here.



2:29AM | Wed, 20 August 2003

There is so much detail and so much going on in this image, you have to look maybe two or three times to actually take it all in. Excellent work with the terrains and textures, wonderful POV, it's like looking in on someone's life. Fabulous!!



3:06AM | Wed, 20 August 2003

Excellent POV and love the use of terrains. Well done.



4:07AM | Wed, 20 August 2003

Terrific scene, It must have taken ages creating those poses and placing objects.



4:29AM | Wed, 20 August 2003

great! like the textures and details.



4:40AM | Wed, 20 August 2003

I like compsition.very great work...



6:33AM | Wed, 20 August 2003

You know, here in Milan, Italy, we have lots of little alleys that still look like this one. The architecture you depicted is very similar to the real one of Milan's "corti" at the end of last century. Beautifully done in every aspect.



9:13AM | Wed, 20 August 2003

Lots of great detail and interest. So many textures and things to see. Everything is so wonderful! If you could pardon a critique the wagon looks to me like it is floating...perhaps just a trick of shadow.



6:25PM | Wed, 20 August 2003

What a great POV and such a nice capturing of the feel of the neighborhood! Quite Rockwellian in style!



6:38PM | Wed, 20 August 2003

beautiful scene I love all details!


2:04AM | Thu, 21 August 2003

very good


9:03AM | Fri, 22 August 2003

This work as fantastic detail and imagination im almost with them in this image...Its Excellent.


2:06AM | Sat, 23 August 2003

Perfectly done walls! I just love the POV, the idea and all the wonderful textures! The laundry is a brilliant touch as well. Very beautifully detailed. Excellent job!



11:36PM | Wed, 24 October 2007

Incroyable! Quel beau et meticuleux travail!

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