Fri, Feb 7, 5:10 AM CST

language of silence

Photography (none) posted on Jun 27, 2003
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silence language is hard to explain because the answers are rarely ever words instead, they are xztremely apt feelings or imagery! in the backs of the mountains, where the environment has been affected less trees emit an intensity that almost hurts the roots i stumble on are the same roots that make a nice bench to rest upon they whisper to me: 'dig deep-for nature is wild and unpredictable plant yourself, because there is only so much that others can do trees remind me that there is strength in standing alone and somehow comfort and beauty in the likeness of a grove of family! this digital manipulated photo is dedicated to Miguel aka mrtmm and to Milton aka MAJ thank U so much 4 sharing your presence and warmth along the way ;0]

Comments (54)



7:06PM | Fri, 27 June 2003

I think it's a powerful image! Splendid colours green and gray



7:07PM | Fri, 27 June 2003

Beautiful work and yes, very powerful. The beauty of Nature!


7:08PM | Fri, 27 June 2003

Ooo I like this:) The lighting makes the roots jump out of the shot... sort of 3D like:) The tree does have an intensity, as do the words, but more so the artist:))


7:15PM | Fri, 27 June 2003

A Very big monster is protecting a very tiny plant behind his giant fingers... Still inspired by the Alps as I can see ;o)



7:21PM | Fri, 27 June 2003

Yes!! it's very powerful image! ..indeed! Fantastic effect of light and teatr of greens!! I like one!!


8:01PM | Fri, 27 June 2003

Yes, the beauty found in silence is always more eloquent than words... and here I am writing words. :P ** Very nice image.



8:11PM | Fri, 27 June 2003

Your very old tree with such strong reaching roots, surrounded by new sprouts of life, reminds me of some words one of my novel characters said. She is a wise old woman named Tapada, bent like a twisted tree from the harsh winds of time. The natives call her mother of the forest, for she heals with her secret herbs. She said we are all connected through the cord of the branch, the stem, and the vine. That all the secrets are inside the forest, and one must respect the power of nature, for it has the ultimate power to harm, but also to heal. Your words and images, dear friend, are always healing. :o) CC



8:15PM | Fri, 27 June 2003

Wonderful photography!! I love the little plants between fingers of the roots of this massive tree. Very beautiful work!!!



8:20PM | Fri, 27 June 2003

Like they don't talk... but they communicate. Wonderful work!



8:25PM | Fri, 27 June 2003

WOW Tania!You done a wonderfull duet above.I really enjoyed your powerfull work tonight!.. It was excellent and had great thought!..:0)


8:30PM | Fri, 27 June 2003

Very nice composition.


8:41PM | Fri, 27 June 2003

shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pumpkin



9:13PM | Fri, 27 June 2003

Everything in the universe has a rhythm to it. If you know how to find this rhythm, you can begin to become happy, and have an abundant and successful life. People equate success to many things. But to me, success is becoming happy with what and who you are. Not necessarily with what you have. One way to find the rhythm of the Universe, is to first realize that all things are alive, and all things have a soul. Everything pulsates with life, even if you cannot see it. In fact, everything you see with your eyes is an illusion. But what you cannot see is always real. Beautiful and magical image my friend



9:23PM | Fri, 27 June 2003

Excellent image!!!


9:27PM | Fri, 27 June 2003

so poetic & deep- so much uniquely you- an amazing image! :]


9:31PM | Fri, 27 June 2003

Excellent photo, Tania: deep meanings, and you made also a great graphic-manipulation, that made it almost "magic"! :-)


9:52PM | Fri, 27 June 2003

ooo awesome image. :)



11:46PM | Fri, 27 June 2003

cool composition, roots are generally cool! the words are excellent too - bravo!


12:09AM | Sat, 28 June 2003

Ahhh, the enchanting sounds of silence...beautiful image and words...your art speaks volumes, as always!! :)



1:34AM | Sat, 28 June 2003




1:55AM | Sat, 28 June 2003

Beautiful, very beautiful, sensitivity breathes



2:32AM | Sat, 28 June 2003

It is these very roots that provide us with the fresh air we continue to breathe.Nature is its own entity,we belong to IT,it doesnt belong to us.You hold a fine perception of it,obviously,and may you long continue to absorb its beauty.Great image.Mag.



2:33AM | Sat, 28 June 2003

What a beautiful and delicate shot, yet full of power. Excellent work!


2:38AM | Sat, 28 June 2003

=) and just again.. =) Creepy crawly things don't just come with legs.. Beautiful photo!



2:39AM | Sat, 28 June 2003

There is a part in "The Fellowship of the Ring" (The Book) Where one of the Hobbits sits back against a trunk and is sucked in by what turns out to be some kind of carnivorous tree. Tom Bombadil saves him. I can picture a hobbit nestled between these roots. This image reminded me of that part of the book. Thank you for sharing your words and awesome image.


4:28AM | Sat, 28 June 2003

Really trees are alive.. I just love this work.. and I am frequently silent to hear silence.. :)


6:34AM | Sat, 28 June 2003


6:46AM | Sat, 28 June 2003

A part from a favourite song just popped to my mind... You say it best if you say nothing at all... Brilliant work as usual, Tania! @ poly... how did ya do that? Amazing!



7:15AM | Sat, 28 June 2003

Your pic is so alive that I get a feeling in my hands how it is to touch these roots. Just wonderful together with your words!!!



7:36AM | Sat, 28 June 2003

Roots are so inspiring, particularly those as defined as these. Very appealing :-)

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