Mon, Feb 10, 2:01 AM CST

Glamora De Mystified

2D Fantasy posted on May 12, 2003
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Nothing much - just a 100% photoshop thingie! Thanx for Watching....

Comments (95)



9:59AM | Mon, 12 May 2003

always love your work. :)



10:01AM | Mon, 12 May 2003

I really hate you you know....LOL Superb image...amazing tallent....amazing......sigh



10:02AM | Mon, 12 May 2003

This is another one added to the favorite's list...this image is wonderful...your painting is out of this world and I love how you blend the character and the are what every artist strives to be...thanks for keeping the bar so high...Jenn


10:02AM | Mon, 12 May 2003

I was really awaiting in thrill for your next upload in 2d. And you indeed repaid me with an extraordinary work :)



10:04AM | Mon, 12 May 2003

Excellent! As usual!



10:04AM | Mon, 12 May 2003

I must say: you meet every time very erotic creatures/phantoms on your artistic way. ;) Excellent.



10:05AM | Mon, 12 May 2003

aahhh - another great pic - love it. :)


10:07AM | Mon, 12 May 2003

Nothing much? Yeah..right.. that's it.. Awesome as always!



10:08AM | Mon, 12 May 2003

Always amazing. Awesome job, J, it's beautiful. =) Now if I could just learn to paint like that.



10:09AM | Mon, 12 May 2003

Wow! I'm going to have to add you to my favorites!!! This image is awesome!!! I'm also going to check out the rest of your stuff. Fantastic job!!!



10:09AM | Mon, 12 May 2003

I don't like it. :D



10:10AM | Mon, 12 May 2003

"nothing much" you say. Oh, I think it's a lot. This image is superb, sexy and full of life.


10:10AM | Mon, 12 May 2003

man oh man this is mind blowingly gorgeous!! GAH WOW!



10:24AM | Mon, 12 May 2003

Janne - long time no see or hear! Dang it man, this is simply a masterpiece - more so considering it's 100% PhotoShop. I absolutely adore the face on this gal, you have captured a similar but more realistic look to the faces of the older Frank Frazetta paintings. Don't misunderstand, I'm certainly not comparing your work to Frazetta by any means - your work is even better - what I am saying is you've captured that special look to his women that the artist became famous for - a kind of cross between vixen, innocence and threat. Gorgeous work my friend, and I'm placing you on my favorites list so I never miss your postings again.



10:57AM | Mon, 12 May 2003

OOH kuten jo sanoin aikasemmin et kyllmitn poseria tarvitse :) anna puolet noista kyvyisti mulle niin hyppen ilosta kattoon ettkolahtaa :) AMAZING and BREATHTAKING !!!



11:12AM | Mon, 12 May 2003

Well what can be said that hasn't been said before. I love your work.



11:14AM | Mon, 12 May 2003

Very impressive. I love the sepia tones, give the image a sense of darkness and danger.


11:35AM | Mon, 12 May 2003

your work is always outstanding, she is a beauty, what else can i say :>


11:55AM | Mon, 12 May 2003

Absolutely perfect! As always, of course! Your every image is breathtaking, absolutely amazing!



12:05PM | Mon, 12 May 2003

Perfection. So full of spirit and life! Thank you so much for sharing this :D



12:08PM | Mon, 12 May 2003

Simply stunning... I think I'll just crawl under a rock now. shakes head



12:09PM | Mon, 12 May 2003

'Nothing much', LOL. I don't even know why you bother using Bryce and Poser now, you obviously don't need them. ;)



12:24PM | Mon, 12 May 2003

OH HON!!! This is fantastic!!! To see this go from sketch to this is like watching a butterfly come out of its cacoon. You never stop amazing me! HUGE HUGS!


12:25PM | Mon, 12 May 2003

Absolutely gorgeous! I did not think it was possible, but you have outdone yourself. Extraordinary!



12:26PM | Mon, 12 May 2003

superb work my friend! i hope all is well in your world! and from this piece of artwork i see your skills have certainly not diminished ;) maestro!!



12:47PM | Mon, 12 May 2003

Uhm...what else to say, but this is just one true piece of artistic brilliance! To say you painted all this in photoshop, that's a feat alone, but to capture it as beautifully as you have done. It an amazing feat. And something that one, I hope myself I can aspire to achieve such works as you do yourself. Excellent work!!


12:55PM | Mon, 12 May 2003

Just incredible. Perfect work, your painting is great!! Nova


12:55PM | Mon, 12 May 2003 beautiful.....great work.....always love your work very much!!!! greetings Ilona From Holland



1:06PM | Mon, 12 May 2003

Beautiful work!! i love it!!



1:16PM | Mon, 12 May 2003

this is awesome!!! absolutely stunning!!!

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