Tue, Feb 11, 2:58 AM CST

Isle of Oric

Bryce Fantasy posted on Mar 16, 2003
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Bryce 5 and a few touch ups in Photoshop :),,, thanks for viewing.

Comments (91)


12:17PM | Sat, 22 March 2003

This is one damn superb image.Beautifull!!!



1:20PM | Sat, 22 March 2003

Absolutely amazing! I just can't get over your work.



4:45AM | Mon, 24 March 2003

Good to see you are keeping up the excelent standards you set, this is superb it shows what can be done in B5 and a lot of talent like yours.BM



6:01AM | Thu, 27 March 2003

Dang! This is brilliant.. I wont say more as no words would bring how much I like this image to justice!


3:15PM | Fri, 28 March 2003

totally agree with thomas... AWESOME



9:52AM | Wed, 16 April 2003

Just a little reproach :) Rocks on the ground floor are too "clean" ! More rustic seems more apropriate with the rest of the picture ! This notwithstanding your picture is on my "Favorites" :)


4:16AM | Sat, 19 April 2003

Jesus shit man, I think my eyes just broke. But that doesn't matter now when i have already seen the moste beautiful work of all times.


12:41PM | Sat, 26 April 2003

Crazy Crazy cool! I am soooo inspired by this! You just don't think Bryce when you see this! You've so perfectly blended classic painting to 3d rendering that it astounds the mind. Absolute sweetness!


2:11AM | Sun, 04 May 2003

ahhh this is very cool!!!


9:20AM | Thu, 15 May 2003

wonderful - really BIG ART - congrats



3:54PM | Mon, 02 June 2003

greatest work i've seen



4:52PM | Sat, 07 June 2003

is to so stuning....so magnificent..so amazing.....I am just breatless....You are MASTER



8:28AM | Tue, 17 June 2003

you just have to do some tutorials and show everyone how you have mastered this medium, very good.


8:19PM | Fri, 20 June 2003

very creative idea. :)



12:09AM | Mon, 23 June 2003

I love this so much :)



2:41AM | Thu, 30 October 2003

Wow im speechless! Awesome work



1:35PM | Thu, 11 December 2003

Soooooooo beautiful!!!!



4:05AM | Sun, 08 February 2004

This is one of the most beutifull pictures I have seen here at renderosity. I just love this, all is so nice. Good modeling and texturing. Great work!



12:11PM | Fri, 09 April 2004

unbelivable, picasso would be proud of u...


2:05AM | Fri, 14 May 2004

Une superbe image rlis par un grand artiste


9:33AM | Fri, 25 June 2004

One of the most beatiful works i have seen made in bryce... really beautiful, realistic. i think i'll take a boat to taht place...



4:29AM | Thu, 29 July 2004

Yep, this is definately better than the previous one, "Island". Still, I love the colors and brightness of "Island". But, this is undeniably the greater work of art between the two.


4:18PM | Thu, 05 August 2004

Amazing. I keep coming back to this page, just to stare at it some more.



11:21PM | Sat, 07 August 2004

This pic is awesome!



2:43AM | Mon, 20 December 2004

Wonderful work. The distant island is a great touch.


3:09PM | Mon, 28 March 2005

yeah, please make a tutorial. it would make my day



6:15PM | Sun, 14 August 2005

wish i lived there


10:28PM | Sat, 12 November 2005

_This is (ALL your artworks are !) of the same WONDERFUL quality and the same sublime imagination as Tim White did ! (Maybe you know this artist who made Fantasy great Art in the 70's-80's. _It's totally what I would dream being able to do...well, I think I have to be 300 years older before I'm able to do this level of quality of artworks ! I'm just putting you as my favorite Artist on Renderosity. That's simple.



5:07PM | Wed, 17 January 2007

One of the best images! ART!!!



11:56AM | Wed, 21 March 2007

Super master-piece.

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