Tue, Feb 18, 11:59 PM CST

72 - The rescuers descend to Von Reanimeister's Manufactory

Poser SteamPunk posted on Dec 12, 2023
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Sonja Steelsinger and the maid serving dolls enter Mikel Von Reanimeister's stronghold aiming to rescue Lilja Darkstar. Molly's art notes: Molly's art notes: Set up and rendered with Poser 13.1.518 using the Superfly Cycles X rendering engine with some post-work in Superfly and a tad more in Photoshop. The 6 separate images were then mounted in a graphic novel page format using Comic Life 3.5.21. Sonja Steelsinger is based upon La Femme with modifications by Afrodite-Ohki. Miss Pannikin is by 1971s. The maid servants dolls are by Studio Maya. The butler and his wife are based on the CSI dummy by Cybertenko. The setting includes the Steampunk hideaway from DAZ, steampunk buildings by Cybertenko and -Applejack-'s Level 1. The Torpedo Zeppelin is by 1971s. Support content creators!! I did include full size versions of the original panels. Finally, I worry that it's harder for those who don't speak fluent English to manage this format since cutting and pasting into a translator is not available with the images on a graphic page. Therefore, I reprinted the dialog below; if you use Google Chrome it can translate (right click and choose translate) or you can easily cut and paste into translating software. Another issue occurred to me: the effort to reproduce the accent of the unrefined characters like Sonja, Pannikin and Fat Bob might not translate so I included a standard English version of their dialog in square brackets beneath the reproduction of the speech balloons from the story page. ------------------------ Dialog for use in Translating software follows this break-------------------------------------- PANEL 1 Narration: The Weasel steers the torpedo Zeppelin along side of the landing platform and Sonja and her band of Maid dolls disembarks. Sonja: Give us a wee bit afore yer begins th' distraction, Pannakin! [Plain English: Give us a wee bit before you begin the distraction, Pannakin!] Pannakin: Aye, Miss! Yer 'as 10 minutes an' then we puts a few rounds inter yon manufactory tower! [Plain English: Aye, Miss! You have 10 minutes and then we put a few rounds into yon manufactory tower!] PANEL 2 Sonja: We 'as little time afore my trigger 'appy friend 'as some target practice! Git on ter that platform... [Plain English: We have little time before my trigger happy friend has some target practice! Get on to that platform...] PANEL 3 Sonja: ...our weight ought ter activate a switch, an'... [Plain English: ...our weight ought to activate a switch, and...] PANEL 4 ...down we goes! [Plain English: ...down we go!] PANEL 5 Narration: The little band of rescuers descends on the lifting platform down a deep shaft... PANEL 6 Narration: ...into the first level of Baron Mikel Von Reanimeister's Manufactory.

Production Credits

BJD Type2
$15.00 USD
Torpedo Zeppelin
$9.20 USD 30% Off
$6.44 USD
Debora for La Femme
$15.95 USD 50% Off
$7.98 USD

Comments (12)



3:47PM | Tue, 12 December 2023

you do bag up work on pages and panels. i need to start doing them again. been three years now since my last attempts. love the bottom\ row of ones also. Happy Holidays.


11:18AM | Thu, 14 December 2023

Thank you for the lovely comment, Steve. I'd love to see anything you care to share in this format. And, of course, a happy holiday to you, too! =)




2:01AM | Wed, 13 December 2023

A lot of work and imagination went into creating this............most enjoyable


11:19AM | Thu, 14 December 2023

Thank you for the kind encouragement, my dear! I really appreciate it! =)




2:13AM | Wed, 13 December 2023

I adore you, as always 🥰


11:19AM | Thu, 14 December 2023

Thank you for your very warm encouragement! <3




4:37AM | Wed, 13 December 2023

Tons of details in these scenes!


11:20AM | Thu, 14 December 2023

Thank you! It's certainly worth the work involved when someone is kind enough to offer me such positive feedback! =)




7:22AM | Wed, 13 December 2023

Very cool. Great scenes


11:21AM | Thu, 14 December 2023

Thank you! I really enjoyed doing this page after a rocky start with it. XD




9:03AM | Wed, 13 December 2023

Down they go....like the blues in the first few panels sahifting to the greys of the factory. Sets a mood shift that conveys well. Like the bright little eyes too...

Also think having the plain English along with the brogue is a good idea.

So is breaking the panels down into seperate images for more detailed study. Classic comic format is neat as a primary image, but since you spent so much time setting up each pane; why not flaunt them? :)


11:24AM | Thu, 14 December 2023

Thanks for your kind observations, JD. As always they are helpful and energizing for me. I'm not a big fan of posting a bunch of images in lieu of deciding which is the best and sharing that but in the case of graphic novel pages I thought: why not? I'm glad you agree that the individual images are worth viewing. <3




5:39PM | Wed, 13 December 2023

Set up and layout look good. Your masterful lighting and point of views are perfect. Well done.


11:26AM | Thu, 14 December 2023

Thanks, Barb! My work with lighting and PoV is a work in progress. I have been reading and studying on graphic novel story-telling (have some books from a course by Will Eisner which are GREAT). It's so gratifying that you think what I'm attempting here is successful. <3



4:44PM | Sat, 16 December 2023

Superb story-telling and artwork!


5:20PM | Sat, 16 December 2023

Thank you for that lovely comment! =)




9:04PM | Mon, 18 December 2023

Great page with killer environments, Molly! This is excellent! You've certainly gotten some good use of that Will Eisner course. I may have to check that out as well.

I made a template in Photoshop a long time ago, and it really helps speed things up when assembling a page (I need all the help I can get lately). I like your idea with printing the dialogue for use with translators. I never thought about that..

Keep 'em coming, Molly! You're doing an awesome job!



10:20AM | Tue, 19 December 2023

Thanks, Rod. I appreciate your enthusiastic and supportive comments and always love to see a comment from you.

I don't use templates but instead the comic page publishing software Comic Life which is easy to use and not terribly expensive.


There are actually three books from the course and I have only scratched the surface with them. They can be found easily at Amazon.com.




All three are worth your time, but the one on "Graphic Storytelling and Visual Narrative" I enjoy the most. <3




1:54AM | Fri, 29 December 2023

I am not the analyst that some of your readers are. I do know what I like though. The detail, depth, creativity, and complexity of your story are down-right remarkable. This stuff is so well presented, so complex yet easily followed,...

You are a great artist with an attention to detail and plotline second to no one I've seen here at Renderosity. Other artists here have their own particular strengths that lead to entertaining stories which I enjoy. I look forward to your installments too now!

Really, really wonderful work. Please don't stop producing!



10:02AM | Fri, 29 December 2023

Thank you so much for such kind encouragement. I thought this page came out pretty well! =)

For the moment, although I have started many stories the two I am focused on are this one and another in a contemporary setting. I am hopeful that you will continue to follow my work and do not require you to comment but always enjoy hearing about what you like or find lacking in my work! <3


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