Wed, Feb 19, 4:52 PM CST

Red Fox

Photography Animals posted on Sep 22, 2023
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In the back yard today. Thanks for looking!

Comments (16)



3:07PM | Fri, 22 September 2023

Looks nice :)



8:21PM | Fri, 22 September 2023

WOW! Beautiful! He/She has a smiley face. Is it true that there is no foxes sound in English? In Japan, foxes make a high-pitched sound, kong-kong.


9:12PM | Fri, 22 September 2023

Foxes make sound, yes... a high pitched scream (male) or shorter high pitched shriek (female)



8:40PM | Fri, 22 September 2023

Pretty animal.


9:27PM | Fri, 22 September 2023

Great capture of this fine-looking fox.



10:06PM | Fri, 22 September 2023

cool capture of it Barb, see them around myself from time to time.



7:31AM | Sat, 23 September 2023

Very good capture!👍🙋‍♂️



11:09AM | Sat, 23 September 2023

A very fine photo of this handsome critter! Very well captured and presented! Bravo!



12:26PM | Sat, 23 September 2023

the red fox is a very personal spiritual totem for me, so i could not refrain from smiling when seeing your fox has the company of another spiritual totem... beautiful fox, btw. where i live, our foxes tend to be rather leggy creatures, more a mix visually of fox on coyote legs, and far more brown than red. i would have felt immeasurable peace & joy if a fox such as yours came to visit :))


12:57PM | Sat, 23 September 2023

I'm glad you like the photo. Thanks for visiting.



2:28AM | Sun, 24 September 2023

Plenty of countryside round us, so we don't see foxes in the gardens; but my sister used to get them in her London garden. Happy image!


RodS Online Now!

3:21PM | Sun, 24 September 2023

Great capture of this fox, Barb!

Never seen one in my yard, but we did have a female deer visit us a year or so ago. Mostly what we get are raccoons and feral cats.


Wolfenshire Online Now!

8:45AM | Tue, 26 September 2023

Oh, he's so adorable.



12:52PM | Fri, 29 September 2023




3:05AM | Sun, 01 October 2023

I love foxes, the foxes' fur belongs to the animal and not around the necks of ladies from high society. It's a shame that they are in the process of being exterminated, just as this nasty humanity does with all animals, mostly out of pure greed!



1:27PM | Tue, 03 October 2023

Through the video game 'The Ghost of Tsushima', I became acquainted with the respect and adoration that the Japanese have for foxes, which represent and serve the goddess Inari who protects rice crops and brings fertility. That is why I am convinced that you are very lucky to have such a visitor in your back garden, looking at this endearing photo.



1:20PM | Wed, 01 November 2023

this is ancient i know, but i thought i'd commented on back on rr for a few days (to catch up, post, etc) and saw I hadn't commented on zoom i see a statue in the background, curious what it does---or maybe it's just a statue---love it couched in there...and a trellis? i like the leafy wall of bushes and such, your backyard has a real country look...and love the fox: always loved its long bushy tails, and at least 2 of your fans find totems in the fox; this one is alert (perked ears, ever vigilant) and has such a sweet peaceful look. It's always special when a creature like this pops by...I once had a huge owl on my window sill (for chicago that's about as wild as it gets) and when you see it on your ledge---on the 27th floor---you can see how animals can be totems. I hope your backyard is awash in colors now. A sweet upload, sorry it took me this long to comment. I really thought I had. Take care, sweet november to you!


8:36PM | Wed, 01 November 2023

The statue is an angel blowing kisses towards the house. The fox was after a rabbit, but the rabbit ran behind the trellis and got away. This photo was taken just after 1:00pm



11:09AM | Wed, 20 December 2023

awesome :-)

7 80 13

Photograph Details
F Numberf/5.6
Shutter Speed1/320
ISO Speed160
Focal Length200

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