Sun, Feb 9, 4:29 AM CST

01 I'd like you to do some house-sitting ...

Poser Story/Sequential posted on Jul 24, 2021
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“I shall be off-world for a little while, Aurora.. So I need someone to look after my house while I’m away. Not sure quite how long; it depends. Had a little misunderstanding with the vicar - he was holding a party in the vicarage garden for local children and he asked me to entertain them with a bit of magic and a firework display. The magic went fine - a few card tricks, moving things, plucking coins out of the air and so on. But there was a slight problem with the fireworks - some of them turned out to be a trifle too explosive. Well, to cut a rather involved story short, the vicar now lacks a garden wall and some tatty old statuettes and is ever-so-slightly deaf in one ear - and rather unhappy. The children loved the show - they thought I’d blown the place up on purpose! So, if you’ll be so kind, here are the keys, please go and make yourself at home, and I’ll be off. Moggie is coming with me, but the neighbourhood cats might be round looking for a handout - plenty for them in the pantry. Oh, yes, and should a policeman or two happen to come calling, you have no idea where I’ve gone or when I’ll be back…” (And our pal the Red Wizard takes himself and his Siamese moggie off to visit some friends far away; far, far away …) (Edit, 25 July, - image modified - displacement switched off and gold skin thus less obtrusive)

Comments (12)



4:48PM | Sat, 24 July 2021




6:27PM | Sat, 24 July 2021

Hmmmm this sounds Sketchy to say the least. She doesn't look all that please at the idea of 'domestic help' status



6:50PM | Sat, 24 July 2021

Well I'm sure Chompie would be only too happy to house sit for him! LOL! A fine story and cool characters! Love it!



9:50PM | Sat, 24 July 2021

Time for her to call some friends over, party time!! 🍹 🍹 🍹



10:18PM | Sat, 24 July 2021

Nice work



1:32AM | Sun, 25 July 2021

LOL! Great picture and story.


UteBigSmile Online Now!

1:45AM | Sun, 25 July 2021

It's a most beautiful looking image! I wish you a nice Sunday and a good start into the new Week!



2:33AM | Sun, 25 July 2021

I love the tongue in cheek flow of this fine work. Well done!



3:59AM | Sun, 25 July 2021

Excellent !!



4:59AM | Sun, 25 July 2021

Magnificent image, beautiful work.



1:53PM | Sun, 25 July 2021

Fantastic scene and characters!



6:13PM | Sun, 25 July 2021

Fine looking scene. Great costume collection on view.

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