We are very proud to announce the winner of this months "Artist of the Month" - Ute Reichling [UteBigSmile]. Ute received nearly twice the number of votes from the Renderosity community for the Artist of the Month. She is a highly regarded artist and friend to many in the community. Ute works primarily with DazStudio and in Mixed Mediums, as you can see in her gallery. She is a talented and imaginative artist who creates evocative imagery which is often infused with themes of fantasy, science fiction, folklore and domestic scenes from history. Ute has contributed an astonishing 3,457 digital artworks since joining Renderosity in 2005.
Renderosity 2015 Artist of the Year: UteBigSmile
I'm very happy to announce that after a week of voting Renderosity members have overwhelmingly chosen UteBigSmile as the Renderosity Artist of the Year! Ute is a strong member of the community having posted over 3,000 of her artworks to Renderosity galleries since she joined in 2005. She was chosen "Artist of the Month" for June, 2015 and works primarily with Daz Studio and Mixed Mediums. As you can see from the video she created of her 2015 artworks (see below), UteBigSmile is a talented and imaginative artist. Renderosity congratulates her on being chosen Artist of the Year for 2015. My private Homepage:
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Comments (25)
Was für ein schönes Wochenendfrühstück!
Wonderful image :)
Ah mais alors là, comment as-tu fait pour avoir une photo de nous pendant notre petit déjeuner ??? Lol, cette scène est superbe et charmante, merci pour cette magnifique dédicace, Ute! Passe un excellent week-end, bise.
Je me suis secrètement introduit chez vous et j'ai regardé par la fenêtre, j'ai couru dans la cuisine et j'ai pris cette photo! Une dedicasse doit faire plaisir, et à moi ca a fait plaisir de la créer pour vous!
have a great weekend! ^^
They look very happy. Nice work
On a l'air tellement relax, devant une table bien garnie, avec vue sur New York en prime.......un grand merci, Ute, pour cette adorable dédicace, et merci aussi pour le crédit !
De rien, comme ca un weekend peut etre supportable, surtout quand il pleut.
Dir auch ein schönes Wochenende.
Looks like a fun place to be, lovely couple, love their poses!
Fantastic work!
Beautiful work and dedication! Your scenes are amazing! Have a pleasant weekend!
Have a great one too!
Funny characters! :)
Delicious morning feast for the start of the weekend! And what a lovely couple to start it out with! Bravo! Most excellent work!
Thank's dear Bill!
Fantastic work! Love the teddy bears.
Thank you! (Lol - JoeJ. just hate them)!!!
A happy little eating spot; it's quaint and cute. I like their comfy clothes.
Thanks Barb, I'm about to have a tantrum, do people have no more ideas, if you have to imitate my images!?! Have now already seen 2 similar pictures in one day, such a thing is called "idea stealing" in my country! Will no longer give credit for sets in the future!
Nicely done!
Thank you (It took me almost a whole day to create this one)! Have a nice Sunday!
Bright and wonderful scene!
Very beautiful setting and atmosphere.
Looks like they are enjoying themselves !
hehe you know what I'm going to say without me saying it! ;)
..of course I know what you mean - Smile!
A wonderful and happy scene you've created here, Ute!
I remember those days.... LOL
I really love the colors
You did a very nice job on this lovely scene 👍🙋♂️
Hei muss ech awer nach eppes schreiwen, einfach herrlech desst Bildi, wéi aus dem richtegen Lierven (ouni Covid)!
Oh, das schaut aber richtig gemütlich aus. So ein tolles Frühstück würde mir auch gefallen.
another of your packed interior images...I love what you put into your images. You have cookbooks, and a teddy bear sitting at the table (!), and another in the distance with great eyes, and I think he's holding a bowl of fruit. (If he is, that's a great way to present fruit to guests.) You have a great city shot in the background, and the reds in the image are wonderful---in the chairs, the clock, etc. The couple look like they're relaxing after a long week---the umbrella and carrying bag suggest they came home from work. A delightful manegerie of things. (Even an old radio in the background.) Another delightful interior piece from you.
Thanks a million for all your great comments, they are always something very special for me, as I know that you are also not completely healthy and still take this time.