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Early Days

Blender3D Space posted on Dec 12, 2016
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A fairly simple planet generated in Blender Cycles with a simple Musgrave Heteroterrain fractal noise and diffuse shader for land and glossy shader for sea colorized by elevation. Atmosphere and starfield generated and composited in an old version of Photoshop(CS4). It's largely experimental and very simple, but I'm getting better at producing decent results. Also. Has Renderosity always required JPEG? Eww!

Comments (5)



6:09PM | Mon, 12 December 2016

Now that is really cool! Love the lighting and planets landscape.



8:03PM | Mon, 12 December 2016

Very nice Earthlike planet. Throw a good cloud texture over the surface, and you'll be set.

I have myself been playing around with Fractal Terrains software to generate planet surfaces. And I also like Terragen, which I like to experiment with to create not only landscapes but full planets. I am still learning Terragen, but I now can import Fractal Terrains heightmaps into Terragen, and am learning how to create native planet terrains in Terragen.

I also like playing around with planets and terrains in Carrara 8 and also Lightwave 11.6.

Best wishes.



12:04AM | Tue, 13 December 2016

Awesome. Waldronate, the creator of both Fractal Terrains and a free app I'm quite fond of called Wilbur, is frequently found on the fora at Cartographer's Guild.

As a completely procedural creation, this one isn't a whole lot better than my earlier doodlings with LunarCell, except that I know what's under the hood.



2:41PM | Tue, 13 December 2016

Very good!



1:53AM | Wed, 14 December 2016

Delightfully Wonderful Work,

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