Tue, Feb 18, 10:29 AM CST

Blaire is waiting for you...

DAZ|Studio Pin-ups posted on Nov 13, 2016

Contains nudity

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Lovely but lonely Cutie Blaire is waiting for someone to warm up her bed with her. Maybe she is waiting and looking four you...!

Comments (5)



12:27PM | Sun, 13 November 2016

Excellent scene, my friend! Spectacular camera work and what perfect mood lighting! And wow super gorgeous morph too. Extremely well done!



12:49PM | Sun, 13 November 2016

I am SO there!


5:05PM | Sun, 13 November 2016

Gorgeous pinup!



10:51PM | Sun, 13 November 2016

Lovely POV and render. She looks sexy.



10:55PM | Sat, 24 December 2016

Interesting atmosphere and POV (I would have not have so much empty space on the bottom part of the picture). The compositing diagonal is very good, love the lights and the whole rhythm. Again and again, looking at your pictures, I wonder - why are they so big. Does it make any sense? And it is difficult to look at them. My approach: maximum width - 1920. And the viewer can scroll the image on the screen at full definition.


12:11AM | Mon, 05 March 2018

Because i create them as desktop wallpapers for my UHD Monitor... ;)

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