Pauline Teen test render by JohnDoe641
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I just bought the morph last night, it definitely is a better face than stock Pauline and the horrible upside down eyes are no longer there. I like the fact that it scaled the figure down and you can vary the age and height by adjusting the strength of the morph dial.
Here's a quick render I did with one of the stock Pauline Poses, yeah she kinda looks like she just smoked a blunt but eh... I just wanted to get a passable render out and the last thing I uploaded here was from 2013 so I've got to add something I suppose.
I applied the new morph to an already slightly morphed Pauline, so this isn't 100% the new morph but a gobbledy goop of smaller tweaks and about 95% of the teen morph dialed in.
Comments (8)
mazzam Online Now!
She looks good. Keep on experimenting. Maybe try making your own poses.
..great pose and pov
crender Online Now!
very hot character & render!
Very nice! I like your POV.
Wonderful image, pose expression and POV !!
Awesome work and pov!
I don't know what the original character looked like, but this is awesome. Very natural and realistic looking face, skin tex, expression and pose. Nice lighting and terrific background textures round it out. Very well done.