Tue, Feb 11, 4:33 PM CST

Phobophobia on Phobos

Vue Science Fiction posted on Nov 04, 2014
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Phobophobia on Phobos --------------------- by XOTT created: initially on 28-10-2014, and then 5-11-2014 created with: Poser Pro 2014, Vue 2014 Complete (and rendered in), then postwork. ============================================= about: phobophobia: A morbid fear of developing a phobia. Phobos: The larger of the two satellites (aka moon) of Mars. ============================================= Rescaled down from the original 4000x2250 sized image. This image posted is: 2000x1125 to better see details. ============================================= ============================================= * Organodron City by Herminio sharcecg.com .OBJ model --FREEBIE-- =============================================

Comments (1)



3:49PM | Tue, 04 November 2014

Superb creation !!

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