Mon, Feb 17, 5:49 PM CST


Poser Fantasy posted on Jan 06, 2014
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I call the girl Pipi, named after a certain miss longstockings. She has been lost in the deep swamps for years, her only friend a monster she calls Beastly. My morphs were used for Pipi. Beastly is the Hunter Fiend from Sixus1 at RDNA. Pipi's clothing and hat was made from vine and branch brushes in Photoshop Photoshop CS5 and Poser 9 thanks for the peek, and for your friendship seth

Comments (69)



4:25AM | Tue, 07 January 2014

Fantastic image and characters!!!



4:58AM | Tue, 07 January 2014

Awesome work bro!



5:03AM | Tue, 07 January 2014

Surprising duo, but splendid image well-done!



5:43AM | Tue, 07 January 2014

:) you've finally found Pippi Longstocking :) she was a beloved friend when my children were younger ..... fantastic scene ... you have to zoom, awesome details****



6:58AM | Tue, 07 January 2014

wonderful image!!!!!



7:13AM | Tue, 07 January 2014

wow, cool work :) love the charakters



8:05AM | Tue, 07 January 2014

Ha, too cool man, super work Peace



8:59AM | Tue, 07 January 2014

Very cool, Seth. I have a lot of Sixus1's stuff. I should use it.



9:18AM | Tue, 07 January 2014

I like her big swamp friend, very cool scene!



9:36AM | Tue, 07 January 2014

Very impressive and touching scene, I like her sad attitude, absolutely superb, Seth !



9:41AM | Tue, 07 January 2014

Love the atmospher in this one You bring to life all your works so impressives moment you gave to us all Seth ((5++))



10:06AM | Tue, 07 January 2014

you have a wonderful imagination, Seth, and here's the proof, a not run-of -the-mill image....very clever of you to use those brushes for her clothing and adding the water gives the image real oomph...the contrast between the two characters emphasizes her predicament as does her expression of resignation while his expression of determination and one of "don't mess with me" would seem to show his devotion to his mistress. lighting and the compositing are good...if i could suggest just a couple of things: perhaps a couple of small, more distinct areas of mist over the water would be nice as well as maybe a little sunlight dappling on the characters. just a thought, still wonderful without any changes or additions.



10:38AM | Tue, 07 January 2014

A freaking masterpiece... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



10:56AM | Tue, 07 January 2014

what a gentleman he is for carrying the fae



1:23PM | Tue, 07 January 2014

Pipi longstockings (Pipi Langstrumpf , Children's books by Astrid Lindgren * 14. November 1907 † 28. Januar 2002 in Stockholm) Alls a child I loved these books. Klasse image,like it a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



1:37PM | Tue, 07 January 2014

So cool. I love this one Seth..



1:47PM | Tue, 07 January 2014

Beauty would she have tamed the beast? Nice job!



2:44PM | Tue, 07 January 2014

Excellent scene :)))))



3:55PM | Tue, 07 January 2014

LOL.. yes ZOOM is necessary to appreciate this work at it's best!!.. a fabulous idea.. and one Terry Pratchett would be proud off... even Trolls and Goblins have a soft side, and Mr Beastly isn't.. at all!!



4:33PM | Tue, 07 January 2014

fantastic image



4:43PM | Tue, 07 January 2014

O, I love this! It brings to mind the fantastical world of Brian Froud, with all its Fae beasts, pixies and faeries. I love that she is riding on the beast's shoulders, giving what would be a nightmare of a creature a friendly aspect. She must be something, to befriend such a beast. But how sad she looks! Lost and possibly far from home, living in a swamp that must be, like most swamps, a place of dankness and rot. Not the happiest place to live. I hope her big friend will help her find her way home. Love that you fashioned her from the image of Pipi, a character I loved when I was a kid. Beautiful picture, with perfect lighting and lovely reflections. Awesome work!! OXOXOXOXOOX Jane



4:43PM | Tue, 07 January 2014

Ok, must say her name sounds funny in French Seth :) (means 'pee'), but that's an amazing scene you made with both these chars (great background and sunrays too), superb work !



4:50PM | Tue, 07 January 2014

cool scene, excellent



5:03PM | Tue, 07 January 2014




5:08PM | Tue, 07 January 2014

Amazing scene and marvelous creation/composition... Wonderfully done !



5:32PM | Tue, 07 January 2014

Great eh.



6:17PM | Tue, 07 January 2014

Fantastic characters! Creative work!


RodS Online Now!

6:53PM | Tue, 07 January 2014

A wonderful work Seth! I don't think anyone's going to be bothering Pippi with her companion around. This is beautifully done, and what a great job on her clothing!



4:28AM | Wed, 08 January 2014

Fantastic idea and realisation!



9:09AM | Wed, 08 January 2014

Lol! Beastly, indeed! :)

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