Fri, Feb 7, 1:03 PM CST


Fractal Fractal posted on Dec 29, 2013
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FE, no PP even for the subtle shading variations, only minor texture in PS. I quite like the washed out effect, and sense of fading with the "over-contrasted" feel in the central portion, so chose to keep it as is. Happy Sunday all..hope this finds each of you in a good place, well and happy. :)

Comments (21)



12:27AM | Sun, 29 December 2013

Excellent. Great title. :-) Corrie


11:59PM | Mon, 30 December 2013

No idea where my previous thank you went, thank you again :)



12:32AM | Sun, 29 December 2013



12:01AM | Tue, 31 December 2013

Thank you, giulband. And thanks also for taking the time to wander through my gallery and leave the wonderful comments on so many of my images here. I appreciate each very much.



1:45AM | Sun, 29 December 2013

Beautiful soft lines and overlays....tickle the imagination! All good wish for the New Year you and your family!! Juli


12:02AM | Tue, 31 December 2013

Thank you, Juli! And good wishes to you and yours in the New Year as well! :)



7:47AM | Sun, 29 December 2013

Fantastic done.


12:03AM | Tue, 31 December 2013

Thank you, Cees! And a very Happy New Year to you! :)



8:03AM | Sun, 29 December 2013



12:08AM | Tue, 31 December 2013

Thanks (I think), Bob. :)



9:55AM | Sun, 29 December 2013

I love the muted colors and subtle texture, this reminds me of wood grain or the way frost forms on a stream. Lovely! I hope the new year is a wonderful and happy one for you and your family.


12:11AM | Tue, 31 December 2013

Hi Michael! Hope you're well, and that you're busily working with my beloved rocks every now and then! I really do need to catch up with your gallery posts (I'll get sorry for the delay). Thank you for the wonderful comment (What? No dragons, you say? ) , and wishes for a wonderful New Year!



5:30PM | Mon, 30 December 2013

This looks fantastic, Nancy. I was reminded to a drawing, immediately, those lines and patterns, their organic look, and of course the structures far in the background. I didn't know something like this is possibly with a fractal, and so I had to sit for a while to explore the details of this image, until that impression of 'connections' appeared. Probably it is a play of these patterns and how they find their way together, I see bridges, paths and openings, ways to explore. Always fascinating to see how so little can say so much, simplicity never misses to grab my attention, it's quite a beauty, Nancy, love it!


11:58PM | Mon, 30 December 2013

Thanks so very much, Martin. I'm so very fond of these more organic fractal images, and yet while they are my very favorites of all, I have realized I don't post many of these, and likely for all the wrong reasons, when I really consider this. And though you may not even realize it, you've touched on this somewhat, very well, in your commentary (thank you!), when you say you didn't know something like this possible with a fractal. These are not images generally well loved by fractalists. They do not bear the overly saturated tones popular in the genre, nor are they dimensional, multi layered complex constructs. Please understand, I don't say this critically, I say it because it is purely factual. You'll find this theory readily evidenced by the relatively few comments (though each is appreciated so much!) this image has garnered, versus many of my others. It seems to get lost at times, the value of simplicity, here in fractal land, as so often also in other areas of life. And with more and more complicated programs, ongoing technological "advancement," and the loved challenges of people and human nature to want to achieve some degree of "mastery" of those newer programs, images as simple as this simply get lost in the shuffle. But, images like this, are best representatives of me. I guess I must have been vaccinated against "shiny object syndrome " at some point. :) So, there may be many more of this nature, popping up here over time (or I can hope to be so lucky anyway!). Thank you again, Martin :)



6:34PM | Mon, 30 December 2013

Minimally superb. :-)


12:16AM | Tue, 31 December 2013

Hi, Joefaced one! Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Happy New Year! Who dat! :)



3:25AM | Tue, 31 December 2013

Hey Nancy, I'm with a cold so my prose may be part gibberish, but I wanted to comment on this before too much more time passed. I read your reply to Martin, and it was fascinating! (And his comment was, as always, highly sensitive and insightful.) I never thought about it consciously (because I don't do fractals), but yes, I can see how so many fractals do the multi-constructional and saturated hue things you speak of---uncritically, to be sure---which makes work like this image unusual, even "spare" compared to other fractal work. I can tell you as a drawing artist (and I assume Martin had similar feelings, being a stellar artist), that this looks more like a drawing than a fractal, it has the subtle variance of line and even shading that one would find in pen or pencil work. It's intricate and yet simple, and very gentle and insightful. Specifically, I can see the relation to vertebrae (mine frequently come out to greet me, btw, and I know them by first name) (alex, pete, joanne, dimitri, katrinka) but it could also be a big sleeping beast or a microscopic creature making its rounds. Whatever one 'attaches' to it, it feels like we're peering into a private moment, very gentle. do have some 'fractal-y' forms there, on the edges, though subtle. AND (I love this), you have these purple blobs/lines in a few places that are so ink or paint-like. Like you splashed some watercolor wash over the piece! The backing has paper-like texture, too. Well, I assume that's your intuition at work, one of the things I've always loved about your gallery. Beautiful, fascinating and gentle. So nice to see another upload from you! Well I should be in bed now, as I have a cough big enough to blow out windows, so I'll end this for now. (I'm suing over this cough. I don't know who, but I'm suing.) Let me wish you a very sweet, loving, full and deeply inspired New Year, for you, and for all you love. May 2014 sing arias for you! Happy New Year and a wonderful 2014!



4:39PM | Tue, 31 December 2013

marvellous!! Happy New Year!!



5:16AM | Wed, 01 January 2014

Very nice combination of colors, I love this! Happy New Year!



12:18PM | Wed, 01 January 2014

Happy New Year, Nancy! It's a bit late, because you are already on January 2, but for us it's still January 1 ;-)



10:16PM | Sat, 04 January 2014

ever late to get to galleries .. that's my style, it seems. I love these "drawn" fractals. it's like sitting on the phone, listening to someone yak yak yak, and there's paper and there's pencil .. so you draw a line, and you wonder when all the yak yak yak will have a point, and the line becomes a section of spine, because the yak yak yak should focus on one line at a time, and you focus on the fact that there are vertebral things in front of you and start to do some subtle shading and oh, wait .. no this is a fractal, not my imagination running away. anyway, dear friend, i hope there are many more like this. it's beautiful, strong, yet delicate, beautiful with the little embellishments along the edges of the vertabrae ...



4:37PM | Mon, 13 January 2014

I like it. Good to see an upload from you. :)


9:20PM | Sat, 01 February 2014




12:04PM | Sat, 15 February 2014

Beautiful design and lovely colors,great title:)**



3:23AM | Sun, 16 February 2014

I am impressed with your works, they are beautiful.



1:34PM | Sat, 29 March 2014

I like how the shapes fit together. Excellent and very creative work.



9:09AM | Sun, 30 March 2014

Very subtle and beautiful,Nancy.Reminds me of a Japanese print.



8:25AM | Tue, 01 April 2014

artful composition and patterns! ;o)



11:07PM | Wed, 09 April 2014

I do love this piece, I think the paper texture works so well and adds to the great effect. It's as if you have wetted the paper and used a rigger brush across a good percentage of the composition, only in the tighter more intricate pattern do we then understand this to be a fractal formula but you have blurred the line between and this will be liked by both sets of people including me. Well done.

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