Yes, it's true. On the internet, I'm a rather dull, mild-mannered digital artist, but in real life, I am actually Superfrog.
"Faster than a speeding dragonfly, stronger than a flathead catfish. Able to leap ten hungry alligators in a single bound. Look! Out in the swamp! It's a bird. It's a boat. It's Superfrog!"
* * *
For me, ideas are like butterflies that are flittering around by the dozens. Just grab one and render it, then move on to the next.
I began 3D art with Bryce 3 in April 1999. Before that I played with various 2D styles and techniques. Back in the mid-70's and 80's, I worked in metal sculpture and had a line of "frog prints" selling in stores all over Southern California and Arizona. I have been in art in some capacity since childhood. Since the computer came along, I 've pr3etty much lost touch with brushes, pens and pencils which I regret.
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Comments (8)
As usual, a cool concept brilliantly executed.
this is very original...awesome the candles and the old tub...and the depth created by the distant lights in the bg... chills and thrills
Another very well done work.
Fantastic image, Dave! Gorgeous lighting. And what a view on the city! ;-) Corrie
Excellent idea!
Love the shadow play, she obviously cant wait to get into her new house, well done
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