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Class Dismissed!

DAZ|Studio Pin-ups posted on Jun 03, 2012
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The hot girl in the schoolgirl outfit is a bit of a cliche so I wanted to mess with it a bit. Make her a little more quirky looking than usual. Also added the backdrop to give it a bit of a manga feel too. Thanks for looking. Hope you like. All comments are greatly apreciated.

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Comments (12)



10:55PM | Sun, 03 June 2012

WoW!...she looks like she just loves to study, I bet she could teach me a few things...nicely done!..



10:59PM | Sun, 03 June 2012

Quirky yes. We like quirky very, very much. :) LOL. This looks great. Awesome morph, props, and that hair is a blast. Excellent render and I'm definitely gonna' pick up that backdrop prop. Super fun scene and gorgeous render!



11:24PM | Sun, 03 June 2012

Ditto on what Zigman said... Quirky is great and so is your image. wow!



11:25PM | Sun, 03 June 2012

Very cute character, superb pose and lighting, loved her expression, amazing work!



11:25PM | Sun, 03 June 2012

Beautiful Image,



11:58PM | Sun, 03 June 2012

Good lord Chev! This one is so close to photo-real, I had to stare real hard! Usually one can tell by the face, but this is spot on! The only, ONLY thing that didn't fool me was the hands. I can't quite put my finger on what, exactly, it is, but they have an almost Barbie look to them. Which could be cool, as the more I stare, the more it looks like one of those hyper-real sculpted figurines for one's desk. Very, very cool!



12:59AM | Mon, 04 June 2012

superb wonderful art my friend well done



5:44AM | Mon, 04 June 2012

Great pose ! Very sexy 'classic' pin-up.



5:48AM | Mon, 04 June 2012

Rendered with "CLASS"!! Great back drop, very seductive posing!



1:19PM | Mon, 04 June 2012

Un dessin et scène bien réalisé !!!



1:40PM | Mon, 04 June 2012

Si réaliste qu'elle me fait penser à une fille qui avait voulu nous mettre le grappin dessus, un copain et moi, alors que nous allions au cinéma. Entre "The Nightmare before Christmas" et la fille, il n'y a pas eu photo, et la fille est restée seule, à la sortie du cinéma.



10:34PM | Thu, 07 June 2012

She may be quirky, but she renders very well. Excellent.

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