Sun, Feb 16, 12:13 PM CST

Dark Foxy for Scooby37

Poser Fantasy posted on Mar 30, 2012
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Foxy as I always imagine her. As deadly as a cobra, as desirable as a rose. One for Scooby37. He doesn't come out with new products often but each one is a gem, meticulously researched in every detail. Down to the tiniest facial feature and mole. I'm still wondering how he got all the tattoos right. Did he . . . Naah! Impossible! LOL I'm just teasing, Trevor. :-D So this one's for you, Trevor. Hope you like it. :-)

Production Credits

Fiat Lux
$7.48 USD
Brooke Hair
$14.95 USD 55% Off
$6.73 USD
Foxy for V4
$14.95 USD

Comments (9)



9:28AM | Fri, 30 March 2012

Excelente, ambientação criação e obra, magnifica realização meu amigo, aplausos (5)



3:41PM | Fri, 30 March 2012

Thanks for the dedication Chuck and a super image, shame others aren't so forthcoming with the praise for such a good work. even though it has been viewed quite a few times. And you never know I might have researched the tattoes the way you think, if Brad wasn't always hanging around, you can never shake that guy, always looking over ya shoulder. :) Nah I had to use hi power lenses and a long telephoto to get them LOL. Great work my friend!!



9:28PM | Fri, 30 March 2012

Yep, she is indeed the best Angelina character I have seen so far. I think Trevor have nailed the morphs. I am still planning on a few more renders of this lovely gal. Great work, cousin!



1:00AM | Sat, 31 March 2012

indeed in full view you can see the beauty -she is worth more than one sin bro. but she smells trouble.



8:33AM | Sat, 31 March 2012

Awesome composition! AmaZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzing illumination fX!



12:02PM | Sat, 31 March 2012

You know, I was wondering about that tattoo thing myself...... LOL! Super work on this one, Chuck! This looks so good... I have at last count 3 other AJ lookalikes, but I think I'm gonna have to add this one - Scoob did an awesome job on her... And you brought out all her best points, my friend!



4:39PM | Sat, 31 March 2012

Hmmm...I'm seeing a combat dentist here...hey, you never know! Could happen!



1:46AM | Mon, 02 April 2012

I think angie would like this one Chuck :)



4:56AM | Mon, 02 April 2012

Exceptional Image,

5 287 1

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