Sun, Feb 16, 3:06 AM CST

this old heart

Writers (none) posted on Feb 14, 2012
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so long (ago) here now (let the 'morrows unfurl) here to(o inevitability) every place of participation and undertaking locked securely away in these memories of which i am never without no saga (left on the sideline) no words (unspoken nor unsung) no illusory (mystic imagery) no doubt (said she) no end. The End.
They designated a day to celebrate LOVE. Imagine that! I always thought love comes quietly as in a steamin cup of coffee in the wee hours of the mornin' And love is/was/ crawling back into bed and feelin' your body heat warm my flesh Ahhhh...refill please!

Comments (1)



11:44AM | Tue, 14 February 2012

... "i HEARD THE TUBA !!!", he yelled, over the DIN. .

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