Hi folks, sorry about the bio delay. In a nutshell, contrary to popular belief, I am an Underground Miner in the Goldfields of Western Australia. I fly in and out of work on a 2 week on and 1 week off roster. I fly home to an incredible woman (coming up to our 29th wedding anniversary) who has put up with my passions and hobbies more understandingly than any other person I know. We have Four incredible children who are talented in their own rights. I have played with computers for over 30 years, but it wasn't until I finally convinced myself that the Internet wasn't the evil monster I thought it was going to be, that I realized what I had been missing out on. I came across websites like Digital Blasphemy and Visual Paradox (Thru the old webshots wallpaper program), and Man was I hooked. I instantly fell in love with the 3D art world. More so, because I discovered Bryce and Poser (by Metacreations back then). MATE, I had found my medium. Being limited to stick men and a few cariacatures, I was in expression heaven. I was a poet ( still are to a degree), but words can only tell so much, with these programs I could finally bring to life the images and inspirations that lived inside of my head. I have strong beliefs, but I was almost tempted to steal the program off the shelf (using trial versions at that time). Quit smoking and drinking to save every penny to get Bryce and Poser. The rest is history. I have seen my techniques and results improve over the years, but I really enjoy seeing others develope as well. There is some fantastic artists here at R'osity, and more so there are some really incredible people here as well. Thank you all for taking the time to read this, and browsing thru the galleries. Wishing you well, Tony Corkery
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Comments (26)
Ahhh....precious image here, beautiful and romantic my friend, very well conceived and executed!
beyond impressive! wowowowow! has to be your best to date, congrats on a stunner..
Very beautiful image.
Very cool lighting!
Superb romantic image, lovely couple, excellent mood set by the light, love it all!
D) for as long as love shall last has always been my favorite =) beautiful image.
I love the 'static' in her hair. Super lighting!! ")
great fantasy sceen and characters with excellent poses and lightning
Beautiful romantic scene and concept ! Like the move in her hair ...
wonderful an romantic Image! Great!
Très belle scène romantique!
Awesome work.
wow... wonderful image here, excellent lights too !!
I agree with Steve, This is your best i think. So romantic =) Stunning work!!!
Excellent Image. Well Done.
One of your best works, very nice!
Very romantic, congratulations on your renewals!!!!
For all of eternity means never to be lonely. A wonderful thought :)
Beautiful scene!
So cute, wonderful scene, great composition and lighting.
Love it! Great details!
You did very nice pic! Great!
Very beautiful!!!
so romantic!