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Inha Sosul

Vue Fantasy posted on Aug 20, 2011
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THE CHRONICLES OF INTHANDONIA The Mountains of the Inha Sosul are vast indeed - the greatest unbroken chain of mountains on the planet they reach from the farthest north of the Deggian continent to the shores of the Southern Deeps. I was crossing them from West to East thinking of the importance of my new self-imposed mission. I must, above all else, get warning to Darthan about the Skrellian Mind-Ship and the horrendous threat of the Skrell mind. As I climb swiftly down yet another rockface I glance briefly at the upland forest around me. These mountains are high and cold, the winds and weather that walk here are harsh and terrible. Yet these trees have grown here, struggled here, for years beyond memory. What drives such tenacity, such sheer determination to exist as these trees must have? Whatever that drive is, the Skrell possess it in vast amounts.  There is a concept in the Skrell mindset for which there is no direct translation but it implies an overriding urge to grow, to expand, to exist and to conquer the environment around it. This concept is powered by a rage so strong as to defy all human comprehension - the Skrell simply hate anything that is not-Skrell. For millenia the Ship had sat in it's mountain vale, content that there was no threat to it's soveriegnty over the local environment. Now a small part of that external environment has penetrated the Skrell ship-mind and then escaped amid chaos. That represents a clear threat - the structure of Skrellian logic could lead to only one conclusion - the threat must be eliminated totally and utterly. The drive to be supreme demands it. No doubt the distant Skrell ancestor-plants had only survived for as long as they had because of this lust for domination. I know this is true with every enhanced fibre of my being, from my times of direct mind contact with the ship. There can be only one outcome. And this is why I must make all haste to get the message back to Darthan - for though the great Darthsan civilisation did not yet know it War was coming to them. A war they were ill-equipped to understand, let alone fight, a war that could see the planet in flames and end in the death of all men as the Weeds try to take over world.

Comments (6)



10:00AM | Sat, 20 August 2011

great work



12:21PM | Sat, 20 August 2011

Wow, that's bright...I think I need shades ! ~Cheers~



12:41PM | Sat, 20 August 2011




2:46PM | Sat, 20 August 2011

Fantastic story telling, Steve. I await each episode with bated breath...



1:13AM | Sun, 21 August 2011

Fascinating, watching the unfolding of the tale along with the illustrations. Excellent work!



3:36AM | Wed, 09 November 2011

You did very nice pic! Great!

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