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Poser Fantasy posted on May 18, 2011
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It's been 5 months since I last uploaded an image. I finished this one back in december but I started having back problems. I was unable to sit for more than 5 or 10 minutes at a time and spent the first couple months of 2011 on my back. I have a disk hernia so I'm being followed by a physiotherapist and slowly getting back in shape. That's the good news, I'm more toned and stronger than I was, I'm starting to have a better posture and I've lost 10 pounds. But I'm still unable to sit at the computer all day, maybe two hours at a time. So forgive me for not being more around, I alternate between my creations, exercising, running errands and stuff. I just finished a new image though, the first complete one of the year. I rendered a few things but threw them all out or kept them for later. I finally finished one today and decided to post this image first. I'll post the new one in a few days so not to spam you all at once and shock you lol Credits: Rose by Addy Bead curtains by fabiana Fantasy Lunar Window by ShadowRunner27 at Deviant ART Hair and outfit are from Daz Thank you! :)

Production Credits

$12.00 USD
Essentials Vol2 - Beaded Curtains
$11.50 USD 20% Off
$9.20 USD

Comments (90)



4:47PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

And what a return lou i love this its incredible so nice to see you post hugs the other lou x



4:47PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

Magnifiiiiiique...heureux de te revoir poster, j'espere que tout vas bien pour toi :) Passe voir mes 2 derniers post, tu vas adorer mes Magnolias ;-)



4:48PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

Outstanding and gorgeous image Lou, superb work in every it.



4:55PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

Excellent travail



5:22PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

Art at it's very best! I love the hair and that look in her eyes.



5:34PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

Beautiful !



5:40PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

This is a very beautiful image, marvelous render, she is adorable! Congratulations!



6:06PM | Wed, 18 May 2011




6:10PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

when I added you I hoped for a flow of images and then you vanished.... I have a crushed disc and know your pain......get yourself right before you worry about us or your art, we and it will always be here....lovely to have you back and this image is cleverly rendered with exquisite detail and lovely light...all the reasons I added you take care carl



6:14PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

Welcome back, killer work here.



6:17PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

Wow. Illustration good.



6:18PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

Beautiful. Love the hair. Very Art Nouveau!



6:30PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

Great way to announce your return! Glad to hear that you are doing better this makes me think of a cover to a great fantasy mystery novel



6:35PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

Oh my - I know what you are going through and you have my full sympathy. Maybe it gives you a little bit of hope that physiotherapie can do very, very much for you. It helped me getting over a damaged cervical vertebra and it made my hubby walk again after a stroke. So there's light at the horizon (and show me the woman who didn't like the extra of loosing weight!). It's easy to say: Care for yourself and don't care for the computer but as I know your creations and all the effort and heartblood you've made them with I decide to say get well soon so that you are able to enjoy your art again - but don't care for us admirers and for commenting. We can wait and we will wait!



6:48PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

Stay well and keep dancing! Beautiful image!


7:03PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

Nice image, good to see you haven't lost your touch. Nice to see (hear) from you again! Glad you're doing well/better. Probly won't be seeing any thing from me till the end of the year...part of my house was demolished, got my computer on the kitchen table, can't find my tablet. Ain't life grand...but I've got my health. I just look at it as an oportunity to rebuild bigger and better. Any ways just wanted to say HI!!!! and let you know that I hadn't forgotten about you/your work. Till the next time, John



7:08PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

Beautiful image!!



7:31PM | Wed, 18 May 2011




7:31PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

Delightful! Welcome back, too...but OUCH about the back stuff. Oh man.



8:01PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

She's dangerous and beautiful. Hang in there dude. I am at the end of physical therapy in regards to a herniated cervical disc. It takes time. In fact, a fun quote from Voltaire "The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease."



8:04PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

Fabulous work.I can imagine this as a book cover.



8:19PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

A wonderfully crisp portrait! She seems strong, determined, and focused. Rather like your reaction to your disk problem. Bravo to your, both for your art and for your recovery. Looking forward to seeing more of your work in the near future, and to hearing about your continuing improvement.



8:42PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

Lovely work and so glad to see you are doing better. You've been missed, a lot.



8:50PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

C'est un plaisir de te revoir sur RR mais dommage pour tes problèmes de santé! Jolie et magnifique..prends soin de toi :)



8:54PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

Oh Louise absolutely wonderful as always!!!



9:05PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

Gosh, I'm so sorry to hear about your back problems. What a bummer! I wish you heaing and health. Big hugs to you. Fabulous image. Really strong and powerful.



9:23PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

wonderful work



9:29PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

Wonderful work !!



9:46PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

It's a lovely image Louise, and so nice to see your art once more. Hope you keep improving and are able to be here more often. Hugs



10:05PM | Wed, 18 May 2011

I'm so sorry to hear that you have been having back problems but I do hope you are on the mend now. This is a wonderful image with great posing and lighting and that is a super outfit too. Excellent work.

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