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Poser Comics/Cartoons posted on Nov 01, 2010
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CYPHON: Hi Everyone:) sorry for not posting for some time, had alot of things going on. This is another character I was going to enter in a contest, I had a total of 7 characters done with 5 remaining. I ended up getting not one but two Viruses!, taking out all my past work and Poser at the same time:( not only that but taking me out of the contest. Anyway I fired up Poser4 and with alittle bit of help with Mike3, I completed this image. I hope you all like the results, CHEERs. Ps I am open for commisions not request Thanks..

Comments (12)



5:22AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Very sharp looking superhero! Nice work!



5:57AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Ouch he looks good!



7:35AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Outstanding. And just as good to see it a second time.



7:38AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Excellent work !



8:18AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Fantastic character development! Awesome rendering work! Stunning colors!



10:44AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Very nicely done, sorry to hear about your viral woes.



11:48AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Fantastic character!



12:58PM | Mon, 01 November 2010



2:17AM | Thu, 11 November 2010

Awesome character- is this an alternate version of Green Lantern? I am a bit rusty on the less mainstream DC characters, but regardless- this is some gorgeous work man. Sorry for being so absent and late- have a lot of things on my plate these days!



12:51AM | Sat, 20 November 2010

Sorry I missed your last few pics! This one's a beauty; it looks completely hand-painted to me. Just amazing as always! I've been playing the DC Universe Online beta for a few weeks now and it just keeps getting better! Although I think I'll get the PS3 version when it comes out... 5 out of 5 for sure! JT



4:07AM | Mon, 29 November 2010

Very nice work dude! I really like the pose!


11:17AM | Tue, 30 November 2010

Damn it I don't want you to rush your pictures but it's been a month already and you haven't put out anything new. I know they don't take you long either because I remember reading the description of one of your Halo renders and you said it only took you 2 hours total. I can understand if life gets in the way but you should manage to get some amount of free time over the course of 30 days.

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