Mon, Feb 10, 9:29 PM CST

Curious: the Outside Busstop

DAZ|Studio Comics/Cartoons posted on Nov 01, 2010
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Having now almost all of the curious packages I will try to post a loose series of little scenes some cute some less cute, after all its all curious places we are going to visit There and About is the Busstop right opposite the Townhall and the Bank,a very important place in Curious-Ville. We can see Mayor Goshy de Wank with Lobbyist Harry Waxxman*,on the way for the first high pourcentage booze of the day (at about 08:00 in the morning)good for the equilibrium and the cleaning of the inner pipes-lol. Meanwhile Frank McNice drives the bus at the parking place to wait for the passengers who go working to Cranksville the neighboured town. Vila Flodder,has a new job in the Curious Bank and she is glad to arrive on time as it is her first working day.Director Filthy Ringburg is not an easy man to please. Her cousin El Wixxpixx as always sneaks around to see what crumbs he can lay his filthy fingers on. *Harry Waxxman only leaves his house with a helmet-for the eggs and tomatoes,he has quite a variety of the freebie-german airborne/parachute helmet WWII-lol Free Dustie Hofferman pack-David D’Champ,also used toon-beach from m4 headwear by gary childress. Thank you all very much.

Comments (52)



12:49AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Vila Flodder help... She is shaped tooooo much like me... :) The Chair?... Great playground.



1:15AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Very strange bunch. Though they look harmless enough. 'cept for that nasty pig...



1:17AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Oh lovely scene Rene you have some unusual characters in this scene I suppose I shouldn't be surprised lol After all it is you doing this scene.. Hehe



1:40AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Magnifique cour me coucher...dure de dormir apres manger des bonbons :)



2:15AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Q. What do you call a witch who lives at the beach? A. A sand-witch. Q. Where does a ghost go on Saturday night? A. Anywhere where he can boo-gie. Q. What did the skeleton say to the vampire? A. You suck. Q. What do ghosts say when something is really neat? A.Ghoul Q. Why did the ghost go into the bar? A. For the Boos. Hope you're still Happy even without Halloween.... I can't believe it's November 2010 already.



2:59AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Great scene. Wonderful work.



3:24AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

XD great scene my friend!



3:34AM | Mon, 01 November 2010




3:37AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

I like where you are heading lately mate good tight scenes and nice rich colours well done



3:45AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Lol - Funny render hubby!!! :)



3:49AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

awesome scene Rene



3:51AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Awesome image , Rene !Wonderful work !



3:59AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Great bunch of characters and props



4:27AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Nicely warped and detailed image of the place, Rene. Excellent.



4:35AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Perfect!!! Der ist für diese Figuren wie gemacht! Ich finde diese Straßenszene suuuper!



5:02AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Lovely curious town and characters! Look forward to more scenes!



5:09AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Original y simpatica escena



5:31AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Stunning scene! Very nice composition my friend!



5:33AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

me encanta..



5:55AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

LOL at mikeerson's jokes.. Interesting characters and great story..!



6:51AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

a cool collection of townfolk... um... and townpig! :)



6:52AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

fantastic composition!!


7:05AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Nice one Rene :)



7:05AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Wonderful imagination in this scene! Excellent! ;o)



7:29AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Wonderful job on this wild scene Rene, you really added so much detail here


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7:42AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

super job! really like how you created this rene, great props in this scene.



8:24AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

LOL, wonderful scene and story. Fantastic details.



8:39AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

You just never know who will show up at the bus stop! Great scene Rene, with the unusually usual cast of characters! :)



8:49AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Wonderful work!



9:32AM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Very interesting scene, Rene

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