Sat, Feb 8, 1:25 AM CST

The Lure

DAZ|Studio Fantasy posted on Jul 12, 2010
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She ran. On and on she ran, lungs burning. How much further? How much? She could feel the hot breath of the dragon behind her and chanced a glance back. She wished she hadn't. The beast bellowed sending waves of scorching air across her cheek. The arrows protruding from his sensitive snout rattled as he thundered across the rocks, using his wings to sail over the larger gaps. Where was it damnit? Her feet pounded the uneven rocks. She didn't dare look down she knew she'd lose her footing if she did. The dragon behind her leapfrogged over the final gorge separating him from her and she saw it. The red mark on the rocks ahead. In one final burst of energy she sprinted towards it, leapt and rolled just as the gigantic net snapped taut across the canyon ensnaring the dragon who had blundered blindly into it in his rage. She picked herself up off the ground, singed and bruised, bleeding from a half dozen cuts inflicted by her roll across the sharp rocks. Looking at the groups of men on either side securing the net, and the dragon within, and said "Oy! Can you put it a little farther away next time? I don't think he got close enough to me!" My first foray into Studio. Rendered in DS3A Credits: Millennium Sub Dragon (DAZ) Wildenlander & Wild Sisterhood for V4 by Arien and Luthbel (DAZ) Cliffhanger by Jack Tomalin (DAZ) Dark Wolf Hair (DAZ) Ack! Almost totally forgot the one that that made this image even possible for me! Lantios Lights by Lantios (DAZ)

Comments (24)



2:55PM | Mon, 12 July 2010

WOW ! That's impressive. Action packed, attention to detail, realistic pose....nice job.



2:59PM | Mon, 12 July 2010

fantastic and great angle and szene, i love the dynamic :)



3:00PM | Mon, 12 July 2010

Great work! ;)



3:08PM | Mon, 12 July 2010

Lol...yeah, that'll take a bit of 'splainin!



3:09PM | Mon, 12 July 2010

Very nicely done. I'm impressed! Beautiful!



3:15PM | Mon, 12 July 2010

Great looking scene, excellent feeling of movement in this image.



3:29PM | Mon, 12 July 2010

Great action scene ! Really well done ...



4:20PM | Mon, 12 July 2010

Well done!!!!


8:19PM | Mon, 12 July 2010

Absolutely love it! A perfect example of what NOT to do when your not certain of a quick kill.



9:11PM | Mon, 12 July 2010

Wonderful posing and expressions.



10:19PM | Mon, 12 July 2010

Fantastic action poses! Gorgeous render!



10:22PM | Mon, 12 July 2010

WOW! Excellent scene.


10:26PM | Mon, 12 July 2010

Abolutely wonderful...wonderful imagination



10:36PM | Mon, 12 July 2010

Great scene... Awesome!!!


1:27AM | Tue, 13 July 2010

Awsome stetup. Great poses, both on the girl as well on the beast. If you want to improve something, I would try to get the light a bit more dramatic. Everything is well lit, and therefore the picture doesn't have real accents in the light department.



2:42AM | Tue, 13 July 2010

Absolutely agree with the other comments, this is one well expressed action image. As Weip says, the lighting can do with some tweaking. For your first DS foray, I have to compliment you on a job well done. 10+



4:59AM | Tue, 13 July 2010

excellent and wonderful scene, dynamic and action packed



8:36AM | Tue, 13 July 2010

Well done.



11:16AM | Tue, 13 July 2010

Nice work!



6:42PM | Tue, 13 July 2010

Great action scene.....the pose is perfect!!!


8:17PM | Tue, 13 July 2010

I like the cat scamper for the dragon...



8:05PM | Wed, 14 July 2010

Love it! Great story and an amazing first foray into DS3A!



10:57AM | Mon, 11 October 2010

awesome action scene!


11:01PM | Tue, 26 July 2011

Wow, great POV and sense of action here. Your first try? Dear God, help me then. I still haven't tried it but this is incredible work. :)

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