Tue, Feb 11, 12:24 AM CST

~A NeW sTraiN~

Fractal Fractal posted on May 02, 2009
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Cheap Labor
With the budget tightening around him, Paul had to make some sacrafices to complete the building. First things to go, skilled labor. Next items to go, quality metals. When Paul was confident he had removed all the PORK from his spending, he felt confident he would meet his deadline. Weeks went by and Paul came to check on the progress of his new building. “I’ve seen strains before, but this one has to take the cake! Where on earth did I go wrong?” Well Paul, you don’t necessarily have to remove the pork to fix the strain, sometimes keeping quality in the production costs can save in the long run…. XenoDream Beta Tester-Version 2208 alpha-XD image with post work in PSP 9. I am off to the airport kiosk! See you all at midnight! [= Explore your Creativity, Get XenoDream. Unlimited trial version of the newest XenoDream! ..Get XD Here.. Run, Don't Walk… It makes ya feel good Got XenoDream? Its time to UPGRADE—if you haven’t already ..CLICK IT HERE!.. Your comments are truly valued and a joy to read. Spread some joy! [=

Comments (21)



12:00PM | Sat, 02 May 2009

Excellent composition and abstract mood!!!



12:22PM | Sat, 02 May 2009

FANTATSTIC designs and Great abstract sculpture !!! Master Work !!!



12:33PM | Sat, 02 May 2009

Wonderful explanation of this great abstract. Looks like some interesting stresses on those support beams. Or are they just satin ribbons after all. Hehe.



12:37PM | Sat, 02 May 2009

great architecture Dinese !!



12:51PM | Sat, 02 May 2009

Great work! like the little story



1:21PM | Sat, 02 May 2009

definitely has a techno twist to it



1:42PM | Sat, 02 May 2009

Great architectal work, i love it in these colors :)



2:06PM | Sat, 02 May 2009

Amen, sister . . . amen!



3:20PM | Sat, 02 May 2009

Hmmm, where have I heard this scenario before? Oh yes, the whole software development staff is gone and they are wondering how to create a new version. That's where I heard this one. ;o) Excellent work and story.



4:10PM | Sat, 02 May 2009

Wonderful construction, colors and X factor:)..!!



8:37PM | Sat, 02 May 2009

Oh dear! there are a lot of holes in this building to fix. Great story to fit this colourful creation. Well done.



11:35PM | Sat, 02 May 2009

What a great little story. Your creation says it all so well.



11:08PM | Sun, 03 May 2009

LOL, the hardworking people are gone, the quality materials are gone, is there anything left to work with at all? A very familiar scenario everywhere you look these days. Fantastic work, as always.


4:07AM | Mon, 04 May 2009

wonderful design and placement of color



1:49PM | Mon, 04 May 2009

Fantastice creation.



2:22PM | Wed, 06 May 2009

Pretty colors 'n' stripes! Very nice work! (:


1:21AM | Thu, 07 May 2009

Very cool composition and colors. Excellent work.



11:04PM | Thu, 07 May 2009

Very original! Beautiful image,



7:14PM | Fri, 08 May 2009

Beautiful colours and wonderful image, excellent render !!! 5*



10:52AM | Sat, 09 May 2009

Very true! Marvelous construction.



4:04PM | Sun, 10 May 2009

I like the strong colours and shadow effects for this intricate structure !

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