Sun, Feb 16, 9:24 AM CST

State of U4ria

Fractal Surrealism posted on Dec 04, 2008
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Ultrafractal 4.04 So here's an actual fractal - or at least it's a spiral. Say whuh??? No cubo-fractostracto squares and circles this time??? Has the boy lost his marbles totally at last, including his trusty snotty war-boulder shooter??? (no worries - my planned next post reverts back to geofractal style and is just stewing for a while to make sure I still "respect it in the morning" and don't have any other ideas as to composition. lol) This one is actually a major tweak of this piece here - - that began its life as a simple one-layer .upr in a tweak-fest going on in the Fractal Forum here at Rendo a couple of years ago (back when it was more frequented - hint, hint :-) that I had morphed/mangled beyond all recognition (and, as usual 4 me, added like 70 layers to :-)) and was allowed to claim. It uses mainly Toby Marshall's "Painter's Traps" coloring in "tma.ucl". I found a TON of neat things it does that I hadn't messed with back when. No snappy name for it other than the reference to the fact that I'm still using UF4 - I have a hard time naming spirals because they just are what they are as opposed to something that you have a concept in mind to convey and piece 2gether a hundred bits and layers or has some "scenic" vibe. This may be "just a spiral" but I like them for the way they take all sorts of joyous little shape detours on their swirly way round and round and down to unfathomable depths beyond our perception... That said, I DO have another version of it I'm "sorta" working on where I'm thinking of making the greyish stoney backdrop into a scene that employs my trusty squiggly sun fractal, some watery reflections that trail down the big orange part of the spiral and maybe a hint of horizon. Might try to make it look like a cave-painting type thing on the "stone". Just gotta get up the gumption to deal with slowness as this guy is already loading UF down pretty heavily and I'm not sure the idea "works".....maybe just keep slapping on layers until it Thanks for stopping by, y'all! Rick -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***(Fine art giclee' prints of most of my work are available in limited edition on archival paper or canvas - e-mail: and get busy filling that empty spot on the wall! Unique, "one-of-a-kind" (edition size = 1) prints and embellished prints are also available*** :-) ***This image is solely the copyright of Richard B. Spix III and is in no way to be considered "public domain" in any form or usage without the artist's permission with the exception of as, non-distributable personal desktop computer wallpaper of a single user or in journal collections on this site.*** (I hate this stuff, too, but what can we do?)

Comments (40)



9:58AM | Thu, 04 December 2008

wow! it´s wonderful!! good mix of colours, perfect texture! equilibrated, fantastic!! good work!!



9:59AM | Thu, 04 December 2008

What's wrong with "simply a spiral"? This one looks the part! Love those textures.



10:10AM | Thu, 04 December 2008

There's a lot more to this "simply a spiral" than we think. I like it for it's honesty, colours and shell like layers.



10:10AM | Thu, 04 December 2008

"respect it in the morning"..what wise words..every fractalist should take heed over the context here of those words! Its a wonderful spiral Rick!



10:20AM | Thu, 04 December 2008

Love the colours here.Beautiful shape!


Jack Casement

10:24AM | Thu, 04 December 2008

An amazing image Rick. It's up there with your best



10:27AM | Thu, 04 December 2008

Fabulous one Rick!!!



10:38AM | Thu, 04 December 2008

By their very nature, spirals are perfect things, and this one is a real beauty! I have loved your art since I first joined here, and I was actually wondering today if you still posted here! Karma spiral, that's what this one is. LOL



10:58AM | Thu, 04 December 2008

Very different from your usual compositions but I find it a masterpiece. Just seeing the texture in the grey area, it is awesome and the depth in it is so lovely..



11:09AM | Thu, 04 December 2008

Lovely spiral. Great colors and very nice texture work.



11:39AM | Thu, 04 December 2008

Very special talent you have Rick always a masterpiece from you.



11:52AM | Thu, 04 December 2008

stunning piece of Art



12:02PM | Thu, 04 December 2008

Shining work.



1:04PM | Thu, 04 December 2008




1:09PM | Thu, 04 December 2008

Right on, Rick--just keep on keeping on--you're GREAT!



1:39PM | Thu, 04 December 2008




1:42PM | Thu, 04 December 2008

A stunning spiral, Rick. I love spirals, they're just a perfect form. And this one is perfect in everyway, of course.



2:15PM | Thu, 04 December 2008

Phenomenal textures and colors. Well done!



2:49PM | Thu, 04 December 2008

Should it be "You-For-Here," or more properly "It-For-Here." But then you might want it "there" some time and difficulties gallore. Hopefully the wife will give you "5" for Christmas, then you'll be in trouble. It may be (please read "Is") a spriral but it somehow glories in the Rykkish touch. Hogarth springs to mind (The Rake's Progress) but for absolutely no good reason. Stravinsky was also apt to use it as an excuse to set people warbling. I like the idea of morning freshness for judgement. My eyes usually bring "bleariness" to the table.



2:51PM | Thu, 04 December 2008

Very good!



2:59PM | Thu, 04 December 2008

pretty ..snappy name...missed you!



6:09PM | Thu, 04 December 2008 about some perfect balance. A complete stunner. And, I'm a sucker for the gradient/hues/textural contours here, too. Glad to see a post from you again.



7:18PM | Thu, 04 December 2008

Wow! You've found some very lovely shapes and accentuated them very very nicely!



7:28PM | Thu, 04 December 2008

Wowwww.... what an amazing spiral it really is unique and beautiful. Super textures and depth too.



7:30PM | Thu, 04 December 2008

Gorgeous piece! Love the feeling of solidity and depth to this. Superb textures and colors. Bunny



11:46PM | Thu, 04 December 2008

Nice lines and texture! Beautiful work again my friend.



12:02AM | Fri, 05 December 2008

This is a fantastic rework of your original piece. Both are very impressive. Superb design work!!!!



12:15AM | Fri, 05 December 2008

Wonderful colors and textures!



12:38AM | Fri, 05 December 2008



7:35AM | Fri, 05 December 2008

Very fine texture work here - a most satisfying spiral.

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