Irena Desdemona by louly
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You have to laugh at the title lol
I'm getting a new PC probably tomorrow, so if I'm missing in action and don't have time to get to your galleries for a few days, forgive me and feel free to comment or not :)
Thank you to the following people:
Character is Irene from Gabe Studio (Gabe_studio and genesteal in the galleries). It should appear some place soon :) Merci les gars :)
Outfit is Desdemone by Powerage and in my opinion, it rocks :) Textures by his wife and new business partner are fantastic, especially that wonderful lace :) Oh and I love those pants! Merci les amis :)
Hair is a mix of DolphinsDream freebie hair (Unfortunately I forget where I found it) and Mane & Tail pack by cwrw
I also forget which pose I used...
Background was created from two of Nike's BG-Fantasy Art backgrounds freebies by vikike176 and my own special touch ;)
Thank you for looking and your constant support :) And remember, full size is way better :)
Comments (119)
This is really brilliant work!
Really really pretty and well done and I think the title's jusss right :o)
Great work. This is very artistic. Great lighting, too.
This is a masterpiece. 5+.
This could be a Velasquez, except for the bare skin, of course;-) What a wonderful painted like look you have here!
A very rich and ancient looking artwork Louly Very great in my opinion Bravo!
Gorgeous creation! Splendid character. Bunny
RGUS Online Now!
Superb... a portarit of this girl woul dlook just as spectacular!
Excellent image almost reminiscent of what the 17th and 18th century masters would paint! this could easily hang in a fine arts gallery with a hefty price tag! Extremely well done
Ah oui...J'aime bien celle-ci ! Très belles couleurs (mes teintes préféreées en fait...;)
She's amazing Louise and this is a great looking image. Enjoy that new puter :)
Vraiment une image des plus spectaculaires. J'aime beaucoup le naturel de la pose et les couleurs de texture. Superbe travail! 5/5
Nice render!
I love that outfit too Lou but I wished it had a tad more coverage on the front! Nicely posed beauty!
Woo wee! Sweet render and composition. Look forward to seeing new compositions from you and your new machine :-)
Extremely gorgeous! Perfect pose and composition.
This looks super and great use of the mane/tail pack. :o) CC
Beautiful image!!
Yes, and your render "rocks" too! Adding to "muh favs!"
Pose, textures, character, background, and postwork are allwonderful...beautiful image!!!!! Good luck with your new computer and file transferring.
Magnificent image!!!!!
wonderful scene and lady with excellent pose and outfit and perfect postwork
virginiese Online Now!
fantatique ! Ca me rappelle les toreros ! Très belle scene Louly
You only will not comment a few days? I am more shameless...I have no time since weeks and maybe forever. LOL Wiish you fun with your new PC ;))))) Wonderful image. Love her outfit. hugs
I love that bg! great use of it.. the character is fantastic =)
tres bon travail et toujours aussi magique bravo louise poue ces merveilles
powerage Online Now!
Superbe Lou ! très joli travail sur les cheveux et les éléments d'armure sur la tête :) Et merci ;o)
Elle est parfaite ! Un plus pour la pose, la coiffure et le choix des couleurs !