Sat, Feb 8, 8:25 PM CST

DELOS Magazine cover

Bryce Science Fiction posted on Apr 30, 2008
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This is a commissioned artwork for the Italian science fiction magazine Delos. The number 107 of the magazine is a special, committed to the italian science fition writers and is named "Future Italy". As usual is all done with Bryce 4, Poser 4 and some minor postproduction with photoshop. BTW: the leaning tower of Pisa, is a fast 3D model made in Bryce using only some cylinders and textures taken from some actual pictures of the worldwide famous Italian tower ;) Comments and ratings are welcome ;)

Comments (14)



7:03AM | Wed, 30 April 2008

Excellent and outstanding sci fi image, kudos...



7:15AM | Wed, 30 April 2008

Nice job on the future Italy and sci-fi cover concept, the leaning tower of Pisa is a great touch ! Well done & ~Cheers~



7:57AM | Wed, 30 April 2008

Congrats on the commission! Nice work!



8:11AM | Wed, 30 April 2008

Xcellent Sci-Fi rendering!



8:35AM | Wed, 30 April 2008

This is outstanding!!! Almost like retro scifi magazine cover of the 1960's. Amazing!



9:04AM | Wed, 30 April 2008

"Delos" was the name of the corporation that owned the robot-filled resort Westworld in the 1973 film WESTWORLD. That name and the dominance of a humaniform robot on the cover make me wonder what is about to go wrong here. ;)



10:00AM | Wed, 30 April 2008

Excellent work.



11:11AM | Wed, 30 April 2008

A great scifi work!



1:15PM | Wed, 30 April 2008

I can't think of anything more to add than what has been said above. Outstanding!!! I was first introduced to your work from the old Solar Guard site, many years ago, and have watched as your skills improved so that they match that fantastic imagination of yours. You have a bright future ... go for it!!!!



6:37PM | Wed, 30 April 2008

beautiful work



7:16PM | Wed, 30 April 2008

nice composition...well done!!



1:23AM | Thu, 01 May 2008

Good Sci-fi!


8:38PM | Thu, 08 May 2008

a captivating image and wonderful tribute to Italian SF



12:39AM | Mon, 19 May 2008

It is a very good artwork.

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