Tue, Feb 18, 4:13 AM CST

Fear of Life

Writers Work In Progress posted on Apr 28, 2008
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How does one overcome the fear of life? When such simple tasks keep you locked away from the real world. Fear so overpowering it affects even your family life. Safety in solitude rules your life and cripples your existence. One incident reduces you from being a happy,easygoing person, And turns you into a fearful recluse. Afraid to even be around others. You want to take your life back, But the ability to do so is just out of reach. The courage to fight the fear just is'nt strong enough to take back what is rightfully mine... My life

Comments (7)



9:14PM | Mon, 28 April 2008

I hope you are ok, this sounds like you are depressed.



10:01PM | Mon, 28 April 2008

beautiful and meaningful writing.I as Dawn hope you are not depressed



1:27AM | Tue, 29 April 2008

Reach out and find someone to help you thru this, you are NOT alone!!



2:37PM | Wed, 30 April 2008

take heart that people do care especially in this small family here at rr :o) mick



12:41PM | Thu, 01 May 2008

I know how you feel... In my case pills kinda help me... I say kinda because I think I got used not to care about much... I've been living like a nun for weeks, months, maybe years?... Your comment on "Crucify II" made me smile :D



12:45AM | Fri, 02 May 2008

I agree with Dawn (1010) and Marilyn (beechzz). Find a family member, a trustful neighbor, a doctor, priest, minister or rabbi, or contact a local crisis center for assistance. There are people who live to help!! Wishing the best for you, Chris. Hugz, Robin



6:41PM | Sat, 03 May 2008

We care dear Chris and I do empathise with you but together we can fight it. First though you must seek prefessional help, if you feel so depressed my dear friend. love and warm hugs Jane xx

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