Making Of ... "Dices" by Elathan
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WELCOME to my Homepage at Renderosity. The village I live in is called St. Hubert and belongs to the small city Kempen. It's located on the Lower Rhine, which is in the western part of Germany, near to the Dutch border. It's still a very rural village with a strong community. There are fields all over, woods all around. The Lower Rhine is plain, but near to St. Hubert there are some hills, which are end moraines from the last glacial period. I really love living here. It's an area full of beautiful landscapes and nice people. After a long time without any photographing I took out my camera some years ago and started again doing some photos. First just for fun and for myself, meanwhile I'm reporting for a small newspaper and doing photos on commission. My genres are portrait, fashion, nude, landscape and architecture. My equipment consits of a CANON A-1 (which for me is one of the best camera models ever) and a CANON EOS. I prefer using films to digital equipment, although the digital is a MUST today. I once wrote here that I was not that big supporter of tools like Photoshop, but that changed completely. I learned a lot of its abilities in the past months. For no photo is perfect, use Photoshop to get it perfect. I appreciate your comments, both whether they are positive or negative. Maybe I can manage to get better by your motovation. One word to the models: Nearly all the models I'm working with are amateurs, some are semi-professionals. Thank you for taking the time to visit my gallery and have fun watching the photos of all the other brilliant artists in this community. Thanks to all who are commenting and rating my photos... it's you who made me six times member of LWITG. Thank you, folks. But: please don't be too enthusiastic when commenting. My pictures are not that perfect as your comments make 'em. Do not hesitate to contact me if you want more about me, my work or my techniques.
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Comments (10)
THNX for the little tut .. i was wondering how you did it :}
Fantastic work
I'm so glad you explained, it was driving me batty tring to figure out how it was done : )
Brilliant the first post was giving me a head ache trying to work it out!
Excellent! Todd
Really cool!
excellent. :)
thanks for the explanation.