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Poser Fantasy posted on Jul 29, 2007
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I went through my gallery a while back, AND today.... and to my great sadness I noticed that I no longer have any pictures rated 5.000. 353 pictures over the time I have been a member of this community.... and none of my pictures are concidered to be top class! Not one! sighs It makes me sad! Guess I need to work harder then! Elisabeth

Comments (79)


6:34PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

Beautiful! The expression is truly touching. Well done!



6:38PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

Very nice image. Very creative. Keep up the good work.



6:39PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

Very beautiful!



6:40PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

Another masterpiece from the amazing miss e, beautiful image.



6:42PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

Your art is wonderful Elisa and this is no competition!!! You should not care about what people think, it is only important that you enjoy your art!!! This is a wonderful image and your character is absolutely beautiful!!! Hugs Ute



6:44PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

wow she is very beatiful!!!:)



6:48PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

A most lovely image..beautiful character and love her hair!!


6:52PM | Sun, 29 July 2007




7:00PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

This is beautiful. Her expression is wonderful and I love the lighting.



7:09PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

Hey, I think this one should be! Great Job! ++5



7:26PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

I definitely wouldn't worry about it :) You do beautiful work. Should render them printable size and post on a site like Zazzle or something. Sales of your work is worth more then a rating. 5+



7:26PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

Beautiful face, the head beads look a little flat against her forehead though - need some shadow beneath it to add depth, I think.



7:35PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

This is a great piece of art work. Absolutely 5+++



7:45PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

Well this one is most certainly beautiful!



7:48PM | Sun, 29 July 2007




8:03PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

Sua arte é maravilhosa, não deves se preocupar se existe algum invejoso que baixa as notas.Outra belissima obra, aplausos (5)



8:26PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

That can't be true. Any time that I've commented on your work, I've given a rating of 5, which I do for everyone who posts and uses the rating system. I do that cuz, puting our art out there on display is huge and deserves a 5. Personally, I don't like the rating deal. Now, this image is a 10!!! Gorgoeus loveliness.



8:39PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

Elisabeth, You do beautiful artwork. Now you have a 5 rated*****. I do not care for this rating of artwork, and this new way makes the hot 20 look good. :O) Do your art and don't let the ratings get you down.



8:43PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

awesome character elisabeth.



9:08PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

I'm sure you have thousands of 5.0000 ratings but all it takes is just ONE person to knock it down. I'm sure there are hundreds of people in here who will disagree with me but I figure if a person can post their art and feel really good about doing it (and of course, if you didn't you wouldn't post) and because R'osity has put this stupid rating system in place, then I rate all I comment on a 5.0000. And I do that because to each person who posts, their image is worth it. And besides that who the hell am I to judge??? Not everyone sees an image in quite the same way. Sheesh, I'm rambling! By the way, this is a great image and it's getting a 5 from me.



9:15PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

well, as far as ratings go>>i think they are not very important and seems to cause must distress for some...i think your work is definitely worth a perfect 5, but i no longer rate images, nor do i ask others to rate mine...i think it's better that way, so take no offense that i don't rate your images... as a far as this image is concerned>>>it's lovely. aiko can be such a knockout beauty as she is here...love that faraway look in her eyes...



9:16PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

Vary Beautiful!!!! Lovely!!!!



9:40PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

Beautiful portrait.



9:44PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

I give everyone a 5 because everyone deserves it, IMHO! I can't believe you do not have many 5s in your gallery! Gorgeous fae!!



10:27PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

She looks lost in thought, perhaps as you say, sadness. Need a hug =P



10:29PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

Beautiful and evocative. +5



11:20PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

I really love this. Fantastic!



11:31PM | Sun, 29 July 2007

I tend to agree with goldie on this, I tend to not rate and I don't have the ratings put on mine. If I like an image, I comment and say so, If I don't like it, well... my mama said if you don't have anything nice to say, well you get the picture. BTW, I really like this, I had forgot how much I liked Aiko until recently. Very well done.



12:30AM | Mon, 30 July 2007

very beautiful! Skillful crafted portrait!



1:11AM | Mon, 30 July 2007

She´s so cute ... wonderful portrait!

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