T'as d'beaux yeux tu sais -4- For Nathalie 06 by Loloe
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Photo from jinet, don't miss his gallery !
Hello and welcome on my Rendo Home page!
A few words about me: I was born in 1966 in Chartres (France), and after scientific studies, I finally became a jazz singer! I've been singing with several jazz bands (of course I have my own band with my husband on piano) and I also give singing lessons for almost 16 years. A few years ago, I bought a PC and discovered web design, made my own site: http://photographie-passion.fr and possibilities of graphic arts... At first I used to post in Terragen, 2d and fractal galleries, but I'm now addicted with photography. Santa brought me a Konica Minolta Dimage X1 in 2005 and this year he brought me a Panasonic Lumix FZ50 and I love this cam!!!! All my pics are postworked with Photofiltre studio and several free compatible Photoshop plugins (8bf) don't hesitate to contact me if you want some informations about a postwork.
I was very honoured to be awarded Gallery of the Month in december 2006
I hope you'll enjoy my gallery !
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Comments (34)
this one is a tough cat...he's got a tattoo! no breeding for this cute guy! lovely shot
Another awesome cat photo!!! Great capture!!! And I love the greenish colour on the chin of this cat:))!
They always make a great picture!
Lovely image and Dedication to our dear friend I hope she is well..
Your pictures are so clear. Beautiful and Excellent Cat Portrait. Aloha
its always the great eyes
This kitty looks a lot like my Timmy cat. :)
best portrait yet of this cat. nice natural framing with the foliage. Great shot!
Super! Excellent series! :)
Another beautiful capture and such an adorable kitty. Beautiful eyes and you have captured the clarity and brightness beautifully. Excellent shot. xx
Quels regards des chats de cette sie! J'aime bien le rappel de couleur de ses yeux (idlement plac) avec sa fourrure et des touches dans l'arrie plan. Bonne journ Laurence
Merci beaucoup petite Loloe !!!!! C'est mon copain le baroudeur l'oreille tranch... Un autre tr tr beau portrait qui me touche beaucoup et que ma me Liliane adorera, je vais le lui tenir au chaud jusqu'son prochain passage chez moi ;o))))) Just want to tell to both of you that I'm well !!!!! Just always too busy to came back, comment, see your works. I apologise ;o(((( Gros gros bisous a toi Loloe, and hugs to all my Renderosity's Friends. Nathalie
Fantastic!! :-)
Another very beautiful image of a cat !
Are those wild cats, living in the parc? Gosh, they are so beautiful, this one is just gorgeous! Excellent photo!
Wonderful photo of great quality.....!!!!
Houi Laurence ce n'est pas le me, bien qu'il me semble aussi bagarreur que le prent en juger par les oreilles . D'ailleurs ils n'ont pas les mes blessures ... Respect pour ces matous !
Beautiful capture of a beautiful cat!
Laurence, this is wonderful. I love all the green in this pic. It looks so great with those beautiful green eyes! -M :^)
Toujours aussi superbe ce magnifique chat... j'adore! Bisous et bonne soir Laurence!
Au moins tu auras eu le mite de faire sortir notre amie Nathalie de sa "tanie"... elle hiberne encore ou quoi ? Bon, je plaisante, ce portrait de chat est rllement impressionnant, Laurence ! (et c'est vrai que la ressemblance est frappante !)
Zibous !
This is a gorgeous cat!!!!!!!! Excellent dedi too... heartfelt!!!
Quelle transparence dans le regard!
That is a AWESOME looking Cat. Great eyes again. And thanks for your reply to my mail. Bravo on a great shot.
SO Sweet! What a beauty!!! The eyes! They make a nice pair related! :o)b
Wonderful loloeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Il est magnifique ce chat ! Bonne journ :)
Another beautiful feline shot, Laurence. You must have an affinity with these beautiful animals. Have a lovely day. Eileen xxx
Jolie, et j'espe encourageante, dicace pour Nathalie et sa maman !!