Wed, Feb 19, 9:22 AM CST

works in progress

Terragen Work In Progress posted on Dec 19, 2006
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ok, in the first one i was testing out the lambert shader...pretty nice, but i was short with some values and i was not gonna render ir again, after all it was just a test(i also disabled the reflectivity shader...taking too long..) And the second one is just a cloud study. two cloud layers mixed up.

Comments (10)



5:10PM | Tue, 19 December 2006

Really nice "bergs" in the first pic. Reminds me of some I saw off the tip of Patagonia. Cool cloud study too. TG2's clouds are astonishingly good!



5:18PM | Tue, 19 December 2006

I love this atmo!!



6:07PM | Tue, 19 December 2006

Both are very good...looking forward to their fruition.


12:34AM | Wed, 20 December 2006

I love the 2nd one(Cloud study); The first one's cool(No pun intended),IMHO, The water could be a little more clearer so you could see some of the iceberg under water for a sense of depth.



6:50AM | Wed, 20 December 2006

love the second one -- looks even better with the moon -- would love for you to IM me with some info on how its done -- is it just a sphere object with texture??



8:46AM | Wed, 20 December 2006

cool waves & icebergs & clouds



8:56AM | Wed, 20 December 2006

agree with Prutz!!!


12:31PM | Wed, 20 December 2006

Very cool icebergs :-)



12:34PM | Wed, 20 December 2006

Superb second! Wow!



5:42PM | Wed, 20 December 2006

hope you will work again on the iceberg! looks like very interesting and powerfull!!

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