Thu, Feb 6, 10:22 AM CST

Future World 2

Cinema 4D Science Fiction posted on Aug 06, 2006
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Back with some scifi stuff again. The foreground architecture was made in Cinema4D using the usual set of primitives and booleans, with a little touch of Elefont for the letters. The background was a test to see if i could paint a decent city in Photoshop and i think it came out pretty ok. :) Hope you enjoy.

Comments (121)


5:58PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

Your city scenes are my favorites to watch for. They have inspired many of the stories that I write. You have a wonderful talent to make the person viewing your art feel like they could actually go there. Please keep it up!



6:01PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

Amazing work. I was sure that background was 3D. Your painting keeps improving. Now I hope there's a net below to catch the drunks.



6:03PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

wot no wips this time? the city gives an immense sense of scale. though I'd be worried about coming out of that club and going right over that railing;)



6:24PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

Very Kewl!!!! Looks like a scene from Blade Runner.



6:33PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

Brilliant stuff. I love those precarious walkway railings and ladders and see-through floors. It's impossible to look at this image and not be affected by it. Congratulations



6:40PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

huh, pretty ok you think? pretty darn awesome it is!



6:45PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

Superb! This is definitely some extremely impressive work. You are awesome.



6:45PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

Wow, gorgeous. Nice silhouettes.



7:14PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

Once again you amaze your fellow 3D artist comrades. Fantastic scene. I'd say you did a pretty damn good job of painting that city. Great work. Thanks again for the inspiration./



7:33PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

Great stuff always look forward to a Rochr post.



7:48PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

Absolutely incredible artwork that leaves me breathless! From the outstanding modeling, texturing, perspective, and attention to detail, I am so taken back by your expertise and talent with your chosen programs. And to think that you painted the city scape is even more mind boggling as it looks as if it could have been rendered! I'd say you have all the bases covered on all aspects to sheer perfection! Superb artwork! Also, happy five year anniversary to you!



8:27PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

Ummmm? Are you ever going to take one of your pictures and create a Tutorial? This is astonashing...hell take 3 or 4 of your sci-fi renders...Please!!!!!!


8:39PM | Sun, 06 August 2006




8:50PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

Very cool POV and depth you created. The painted background turned out really well. Excellent scene:) 5STARWORK*****



8:51PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

W O W... I look foreward to all your posting, but your scifi work has a special place... absolutely stunning work.



8:56PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

phew...what should I say? just...magnificent! Love your work!


10:08PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

Brilliant as usual!!!



10:27PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

Pretty ok? That's an understatement. The background city is absolutely perfect. Brilliant. Don't disappear like that again. I go through withdrawls.



10:30PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

Definitely one of your best!



10:47PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

completely Ok! the background really works with the whole environment. I find it very exciting and inspiring too, gee what you can do...



11:08PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

Indeed you can paint a decent cityscape. And the foreground modeling is flawless. Great Work! 5 *


11:15PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

a true Rochr masterpiece...I wish our present was as appealing as your future :)



11:19PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

Once again a true masterpiece!



11:34PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

It reminds me Matrix: Reloaded. Great image, very imaginative :-)



1:03AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

Damn! It realy came out prety good! Rochr, drop that 3D stuff and get back to the roots! Photoshoping! That's what You're realy good at ;)



1:07AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

You are well on your way of working for Lucas! Your matte painting blows my mind, Rochr! A+!!!



1:14AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

A stunning image! :B eaver !



1:22AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

WOW!!!! You painted that background??? It looks amazing and blends perfectly with the foreground rendered elements! A superb and atmospheric sci fi scene! Well done :)



1:36AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

Simply superb as usual Rudy!!!!! Pretty ok is not even close. Brilliant. A master of 3D regardless of software. Truly inspirational.


1:41AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

Wonderful stunning work! It is always a big emotion reading "Rochr has uploaded an image" in my e-mails!!!

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