Sat, Feb 15, 5:23 PM CST

Rhodos mercenary 1522

Cinema 4D Historical posted on Jan 02, 2006
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OK, I prepared my own "hair" character with new C4D module hair... Inspirated via Island of white huge city walls, Rhodos.

Comments (6)



1:19AM | Mon, 02 January 2006

Well done.



5:53AM | Mon, 02 January 2006

Very well done! What's it like on the render time? Mak


6:11AM | Mon, 02 January 2006

render time? 780x1080 cca 20-25 minutes with very low settings of radiozity :-))



5:35PM | Mon, 02 January 2006

Good one...


9:00AM | Tue, 03 January 2006

ack... I want that hair plug-in!... no seriously... the texture of the armour is great... same for the tunic... although it looks a bit too much machine sewn...g... just goes to show how realistic it looks if I can niggle about such a small detail ;)



6:24AM | Thu, 12 January 2006

I quite like this chappie and it doesn't surprise me that Mak, does too! Because my forte is modelling, I tread very carefully when I pass comments about lighting - that's more Mak's department - but I think attention in that area here, might create a less powdered appearance. Then again, others who know better, may tell me I'm talking a load of rubbish!

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