Sun, Feb 16, 4:57 PM CST

2023 Animation Contest

Theme: Open Theme
Our newest blockbuster animation contest is now showing and ready for you to enter!

Managers: Wolfenshire

Open Theme

Have fun creating an animation for our animation contest. We have an open theme, so there are no limits to what you can create. We can't wait to see your entries!

General Contest Rules

  • The contest cover art is not in any way to be interpreted as what is or is not permitted: Read the Contest Rules to determine what is permitted.
  • All Renderosity members are eligible to enter, except for staff.
  • Ten entries per person permitted.
  • Images and videos entered in previous Renderosity contests are not permitted.
  • Original images and videos, and previously posted images and videos, such as on FB or the Renderosity Galleries, but have not been previously entered in a Renderosity contest, are permitted to be entered.
  • The contest will not be anonymous, and you are permitted to repost your entries online, such as on FB or the Renderosity Galleries, and talk about your entries, and to encourage others to come view or enter the contest.
  • The theme of the contest is only a guideline, or suggestion, and may be deviated from within reason. Contact the contest manager before creating your scene if you are unsure if your deviation would be acceptable.
  • If a profanity, violence, or nudity tag would be required for your entry, the entry cannot be used in the contest.
  • Questionable entries will be sent for Staff Review and take 24 hours to get back. If you submit an image that has to be sent for Staff Review, and there is not enough time left before the contest deadline to conduct the Staff Review, it will be rejected.
  • No thumbnail is required, it is automatically generated for you.
  • No nudity is allowed. Nudity is defined as exposure greater than what can be seen wearing a string-thong bikini. However, regardless of attire, an image presented in a manner that may be inappropriate will be sent for a Staff Review.
  • Images that do not follow the contest rules or our Terms of Service will be removed.
  • By uploading your entry, you are agreeing that this is your original work.
  • A.I. Art is not permitted.
  • Any entry containing violence, blood, brutality or gore that is implied or explicit will be removed.
  • Any entry containing weapons of any kind, or objects to be used as weapons is subject to review for violence.
  • Any entry containing childlike imagery in suggestive poses will be removed.
  • Renderosity reserves the right to modify the rules as needed for unforeseen circumstances.
  • Winners will be announced on this contest page.

Entry Specifications

  • Videos must be reviewed by the contest manager. If you submit a video, and there is not enough time to view the video before the contest deadline, it will be rejected.
  • Videos containing animation not created by you will not be accepted for the contest. This does not include bvh or aniblock files used to rig and animate a character.
  • Videos entered in previous Renderosity contests are not permitted.
  • Videos not previously entered in a Renderosity contest, but have been posted online, such as FB, Youtube, or Renderosity Galleries, are permitted to be entered.
  • Max video file size is 1500 MB/1.5 GB and the accepted files are: .mp4 (H.264 Encoded) or .gif. There is an aspect ratio for video which is 16:9 for the video player. The dimension of an upload will scale to fit this aspect ratio.
  • The maximum length of a video permitted is five minutes, provided the file size does not exceed 1.5 GB. However, we’ve seen that the larger a video file is, the more likely it is to have playback errors. We recommend keeping your video shorter to avoid such playback issues.
  • Thumbnail image can be a maximum of 1200 pixels x 1200 pixels, but it will rescale to 300 pixels (wide) x 350 pixels (height), in .jpeg, .png, or .gif format (72 dpi). 
  • Video animation and the thumbnail are REQUIRED to enter.
  • Animation can contain 3D elements, 2D elements, or a mixture of both.
  • Personal logos, usernames, or real names are allowed in the credits of your animations, and you can sign your real name or Renderosity username in the description box, but not on the thumbnail.
  • Music, voice, or sound effects that are in the public domain, purchased, or you have obtained written permission, may be used and credited at the end of the video.
  • Videos with music, voice, or sound effects that you cannot prove authorization to use will be removed.

Voting Rules

  • The winners will be selected by the community.
  • Five votes per member.
  • All clone votes will be removed.

Additional Information

All prize winners must supply Renderosity with their real name, email address and mailing address for prize distribution and registration.

By entering this contest, you agree that your submission(s) may be used by Renderosity for promotional purposes. This may include; online, digital, print, on CD or in any other medium. By submitting your entry into this contest you are granting Renderosity the right to retain your entry in its archive and to display the entry within this community to promote Renderosity and/or future contests held.

By submitting this form, you agree that you are authorized to grant Renderosity the permission to use of your image in print advertising, promotions or website usage. The Artist will remain the intellectual property holder of their images.

Prize Information

Some prizes may be for Windows only.

Prize Listing

1st Place

1 Prize, Total Value of $15.00

2nd Place

1 Prize, Total Value of $10.00

3rd Place

1 Prize, Total Value of $5.00

Staff Pick

1 Prize, Total Value of $15.00


1st Place

Entry #21

2nd Place

Entry #39

3rd Place

Entry #8

Staff Pick

Entry #42

Contest Sponsors

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