Wed, Feb 12, 7:22 AM CST

VH Neah Close up ( For all my rendofriends)

Poser Portraits posted on May 16, 2011
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I will try to get this right =) Im so happy that you all are here and i dont think i would have come this far with my 3D work if it was not for you all. All the advice i get and all the inspiration from your work. In the beginning i always got advice for the lights *smile* and i think i got that right now, some times i need advice for the render setting ( still working on that).. Anyway im happy that you all are here =) You are diamonds !! I wish you all an amazing day and Take Care, Big Hugs Mona Thank you all for comments and fav of my last image =) I used VH Neah on this with another of her beautiful textue =)

Comments (42)



2:21AM | Mon, 16 May 2011

She is a really pretty character and your light is great.



2:21AM | Mon, 16 May 2011

It's a beautiful potrait.



2:45AM | Mon, 16 May 2011

Nice portrait Mona. Render settings depend on what version of Poser you are using there are lots regarding settings on the internet.



3:43AM | Mon, 16 May 2011

I think Val puts the settings in with her models i mostly use her settings now i have several versions i find i get best results with them ..... Your portrait is superb !!



4:02AM | Mon, 16 May 2011

Gorgeous and outstanding portrait from the beautiful V4 character Neah from Godin.....indeed a most beautiful setting....excellent work love it.



4:42AM | Mon, 16 May 2011

thats what i like about this place we can inspire each other and that way we all can learn.. i just feel sorry for those who know all they cant learn anymore but we can hehehe. excellent.



5:21AM | Mon, 16 May 2011

Excellant portrait...So much to learn yet but we have the time..No deadline which is necessary since sometimes we have to work with a render several times to achieve what we want...



5:23AM | Mon, 16 May 2011

a beautiful render have come such a long way in a short time



5:50AM | Mon, 16 May 2011

And thank you Mona for being such a wonderful friend to us !!!..Yes your Art has come on leaps and bounds...we all learn as we go alomg, a different bit here, a different setting there, that is what makes it fun. This is a lovely portrait and great lights. the setting is perfect for her. Well done my friend



5:51AM | Mon, 16 May 2011

Yes, it's so encouraging posting here and seeing other's images ! Lovely portrait here :-)



6:01AM | Mon, 16 May 2011

Cluster-nice-new-week.png Love the portrait you created here, looks really very beautiful! Thank you Monalisa, she looks Darling!



6:28AM | Mon, 16 May 2011

She is indeed Beautiful!! Thank you Mona!!!



7:12AM | Mon, 16 May 2011

A real beauty - nice portrait!



7:32AM | Mon, 16 May 2011

your welcome Mona hon, what a glorious beautiful lady.



7:35AM | Mon, 16 May 2011

Perfect portrait!!!!!



7:55AM | Mon, 16 May 2011

She's so beautiful and the lighting is superb!



9:34AM | Mon, 16 May 2011

Vilken sötnos... Det var verkligen en fin karaktär du har använt här, Mona! Kramar, Vashek



9:37AM | Mon, 16 May 2011

Fantastico ritratto ,splendida luce che fa brillare gli occhi ! Veramente bello ! Fantastic portrait, wonderful light that makes your eyes sparkle! Really nice! AscoltaTrascrizione fonetica



9:59AM | Mon, 16 May 2011

Very lovely!



10:04AM | Mon, 16 May 2011

Wonderful portrait, she is so nice, thank you my dear friend!!! Have a nice new week, hugs Elke



10:39AM | Mon, 16 May 2011

beautiful portrait of this lovely gal...your lighting is excellent!



11:40AM | Mon, 16 May 2011




12:14PM | Mon, 16 May 2011

Very beautiful portrait my friend, loved it!



12:42PM | Mon, 16 May 2011

marvelous render! love the lighting



12:53PM | Mon, 16 May 2011

Lovely portrait..nicely done!!



1:10PM | Mon, 16 May 2011

Very pretty character and portrait :)



1:15PM | Mon, 16 May 2011

So very Beautiful and Fantastic work Sweetie! i love this..thank you! and as for rendersettings and lights just ask i am always here to help you know package in documentation folder you find the rendersettings for Neah ;) I am happy we can help each other here on market place..i am also always thankfull towards the ones that help me...that you will always keep in mind and heart....i am so happy for you too are a Diamond yourself too! :)



2:14PM | Mon, 16 May 2011

Mona, this is a beautiful portrait! I love your lighting choice, it really sets off her lovely face.



2:29PM | Mon, 16 May 2011

Gorgeous portrait!



3:32PM | Mon, 16 May 2011

Lovely Portrait Ines!

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