Echidna's Daughter (for my Rendo Friends) by pixeluna
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A special thanks to chasfh for his beautiful character Sayuri from the Geisha V4 set. This actually reminded me of the old Clairol Herbal Essence ad from long time ago. But it's nice to try Ilona's instant hair and just added a few highlights with hair brushes and the dodge and burn tools with Photoshop to create depth, then I put some shadows on the areas to create weight and volume to the hair where it touches the skin/clothing.
So sorry for my late comments, still trying to catch up with the gallery as RL work has been too much, this is when holiday rush starts.
Many thanks to all of you who used the DeadAlive set and posted those impressive, out of this world horror images. Every one have shown a lot of versatility and creativity and it leaves me speechless to see all your works. I appreciate everything you made, you are all amazing!
Lastly, to our dear friends, Dave(magnus073), Steve (eekdog) and Adrie, and to those who were not mentioned, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you for viewing my work, you may zoom in for the details.
PREVIOUS: The Slave Hero (for StudioArtVartanian)

Comments (82)
Awesome image Love it Hugs Susan~
Excellent and very beautiful work***
Ohhh.. cool work.. beautiful char and great background.
Beautiful image sweetie! Have a great weekend
Another fantastic work of art, Jenny! Now that you mention it - this would have made a GREAT ad for that Herbal Essence shampoo. We used that stuff all the time - smelled soooo good! Really excellent job on the hair - looks perfect! Top-notch work as always, my friend! And thank you for your generousity! You have done some fantastic packages that I'm sure we'll all be playing with for a long time to come!
That's an amazing picture, Jenny. I usually don't like those hair tubes, I never could get the pose to match the hair exactly. But you've really made this look very natural and she looks good. Nice work!
Beautiful work, my friend
Beautiful character in Sayuri. Kind of looks like the Garden of Eden without the apple. Dana
Awesome work
A very gorgeous image, hun!!! HUGS
Wonderful wardrobe!
Fascinating work my dear!!!!!!!!Bravissima!V:DDD.Hugsxx Whylma
Beautiful, original character! Love the background too... Vashek
A very beautiful image and I love what you have done with her hair it looks really natural. Great textures on her outfit and in the bg too.
Wonderful render and scene! :o)
Very lovely scene and image Jenny, this is stunning I am always in for a lovely surprise each time I open one of your images, they are so beautiful wonderful and this is no exception. Have a super day my friend!!
Wonderful work, the entire scene looks amazing. Snakes are always a pain to pose, you did a masterful job with this one.
Very good composition.
Excellent work , the lighting and the character is awesome!