Echidna's Daughter (for my Rendo Friends) by pixeluna
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A special thanks to chasfh for his beautiful character Sayuri from the Geisha V4 set. This actually reminded me of the old Clairol Herbal Essence ad from long time ago. But it's nice to try Ilona's instant hair and just added a few highlights with hair brushes and the dodge and burn tools with Photoshop to create depth, then I put some shadows on the areas to create weight and volume to the hair where it touches the skin/clothing.
So sorry for my late comments, still trying to catch up with the gallery as RL work has been too much, this is when holiday rush starts.
Many thanks to all of you who used the DeadAlive set and posted those impressive, out of this world horror images. Every one have shown a lot of versatility and creativity and it leaves me speechless to see all your works. I appreciate everything you made, you are all amazing!
Lastly, to our dear friends, Dave(magnus073), Steve (eekdog) and Adrie, and to those who were not mentioned, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you for viewing my work, you may zoom in for the details.
PREVIOUS: The Slave Hero (for StudioArtVartanian)

Comments (82)
It's amazing how many hints and tips are freely offered here to improve work - especially appreciated by those of us with a deep rooted fear of even opening Photoshop. lol Your artwork is incredible, my friend, and your products are always a 'must have'. :)
Beautiful work! Amazing work!
Really nice work with the hair.
I love how you did Ilona's hair, looks so real. Your placement of the figures is so eye appealing too. Perfection sweetie.
beautiful work my friend and yes it does remind me of herbal essences commercials
Beautiful work, love the lighting and the character is awesome.
Great dedication! I would like to add my thanks as well to those who have down those great DA renders. I am still way way behind on their gallery but trying to catch up. I would also like for them to know that the set would not have made it into the MP if it had not been for you. You are the BEST! Thank you!
Beautiful work Jenny! The hair is Awesome!!
Jenny, this is such a fantastic scene and serves to remind everyone of just how talented you are. Thanks you so much for your prayers and kind words for Adrie, Steve, and my Mom, that was so kind of you. Hugs
that snake look hungry.maybe a calling suitor for the lady will be it's meal? outstanding work
Wow, Jenny, I never knew Echidna had a daughter! Great idea to produce a beautiful girl whose mother was half snake! The snake wrapped around her is a wonderful allusion to the myth! Marvelous work with the whole scene!!!
Oh, I don't think she does. I have just made up the title, not particularly connecting it to mythology. It's one of those "can't think of a good title times" so the first thing that came to my mind was "Echidna's Daughter."
That's nice picture. The hair is so good.
Very stunning work, Jenny
Excellent scene!
Amazing render =)!!
It is an exquisite work my Beatiful . . A model as more natural. But hey ........ Bravo and thanks mile ((5 + +)) C'est un travail exquis ma Belle . . Un modèle comme plus naturel . Mais bon........ Bravo et mile mercis((5++))
Lovely image and details..nicely done, Jenny!
This is really beautiful!!!!!
I've never used any of the "instant hair" sets, my painting skills are limited to say the least. Your's on the other hand seem to be well in control, very nicely blended work on it. The ammount I know of mythology could barely fill a thimble but I know a great image when I see one... :D
Beautiful dedication sweetie! Awesome image as well. You really did a fantastic job here. Your talent is uncanny.
jenny hon, this is absolutely gorgeous my friend. what a superb render and character. many thanks for the super dedi for us. lol steve
Amazing work!!!!
Superb work and nice dedication and she look amazing my friend...OUTSTANDING work as always....:)
Very nice work with the painted hair, the extra effort really paid off.
Outstanding render! (someones been doing the herbal, lol)
Wonderful character Jenny, amazing composition and dedication, loved her hair a lot, thank you very much for your friendship!