Forgive Me Father (for everyone) by brewgirlca
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"The Challenge"
January 2013
Been at this site five years now and have seen a lot of growth - both artistically and spiritually thanks to the many good friends I have met here. I work with Poserpro2012, photoshop CS6, PSPX2, Perfect Effects 3 and Photomatrix 4. I love working in the material room and continue to find lots of growth there. I also do a lot of postwork fixing, special affects, and framing, all for which photoshop is indispensible. I love doing postwork; no image is anywhere near complete without it.
In the last year or so I've added quite a bit of photography to my gallery. I started with a Nikon Coolpix 9100 point and shoot. It gives amazing quality and its small size makes it easy to pack around and just grab some shots as they come into my vision. I still use it for sneaky people shots but now I use a Nikon D5100 DSLR for my more serious keeper work. Had I known how all consuming my passion for photography would become I should have jumped to a D600 low end pro camera.In my gallery you will see mostly storylines based upon my own visions and versions of Mesopotamian Mythology, sprinkled with some Celtic works and an occasional pinup or two and quite a few special requests. I have long been a writer, though a terrible speller, and so most of my images come with a storyline or poem. No image seems complete to me without words to accompany them.In high school I trained in both the Sciences and Fine Arts but when I went to university I had to choose one or the other and so I went with the life sciences. Art dropped out of my life for a long time... though I never gave up my interest in archeology and mythology. I wound up with a graduate degree in the life sciences with majors in physical geography, ecology and evolutionary biology. My love of nature and a deep naturalistic spirituality eventually led me to the wikkan tradition.Some five and a half years ago I discovered poser after coming across some great 3-d art on the web and after some six months of stumble bum practice I joined this site.Doing this type of art has released many visions and stories that were locked up inside my soul for many ages. It has allowed me to explore the life and times of my primal spiritual ancestor, a girl also named Roxanne, who lived in the Sumerian regions. She whispers the stories of these classic legends in my mind and I create the images to go with them.My stories are mostly written as dialogue and they tend to be rather long. So grab a coffee, a tea or better yet a beer, kick back, relax and stay a while.I hope you enjoy your stay here.Hugs and blessed beRoxy
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Comments (89)
roxy, this is a very wonderful image hon. love the creepy atmo and gothic character. 100% beautiful!!
Roxy I have to say you really know how to create a powerful image, and get your message across better than anyone I know. I'm almost at a loss as to what to say as your point really hit home with me. It's easy to let our feeling be hurt and our anger push us away sometimes and when we finally are willing to put our pride away and talk to reconcile it can be too late. This can apply to not just our parents but others who are close to us. Sorry I didn't comment more about how incredible the image is as it truly is a masterpiece. The pain and the guilt she feels can be seen so clearly on her face and even felt all around her. The effects are dramatic and really drive the point home even more, as if she barely missed her chance to set things right. Almost like his spirit is leaving the room.
Beautifully evocative and profoundly moving, Rox'. Indeed, in time, it is a place we all come to. Terry
Amazing piece. Thank you for the reminder.
Roxy I ditto what Dave has said. Knowing you and your situation with your dad, I so feel your pain in here.
Beautiful work. Nicely done.
Outstanding - I love it
An absolutely beautiful image and very, very certainly got me choked up. Really beautifully done.
Ohh.. Roxy.. that is so true... been there. This is a fantastic pic. and so very powerful... and never was a truer word said. I too never got to say goodbye to my father as we weren't talking at the time... a thing I will always regret.
Roxy my friend this is a hight quality image mu friend, excellent character and a fantastic mood, a precious work! 10+
What a magnificent and extraordinary artwork. Perfectly well done! =D
Excellent and powerful message, Roxy! Outstanding artwork
Well said, Dave. This is just an echo since I'm late for commenting... you did a fantabulous work, Roxy. How you wove together an ultra-fantasy image and reality at the same time is one thing that makes me wonder, "How did she do that?" Without a doubt, this is one of your best works. The colors, the special effects are jaw-dropping, an awesome treat to the eyes! Two thumbs up! Now the reality side... we have already talked about that. :-)
A real masterpiece and one of excitement an amazing image my dear friend and an equally thought provoking staement its just so true!! Incredible in every way!! Superb in the highest!!
Wonderful image and effects..nice work!!
Dave is so right. Sometimes we get caaried away in arguments since we feel hurt or to proud to make a step. We loose contact for years maybe about a small disagreement or even for no reaason at all. Its a shame when we have to say Ï should have contacted since then in many cases its to late. Yet we are human and sometimes not easy to forgive and forget. A stunning render Roxy full of emotion and made from the soul. Hug
perfect fanatsy scene with excellent postwork
I like this one Roxy. It seems to come directly from your heart. I wish you strength. In this image everything fits together so well. The colors and effects are used just so to make for the best impact.
some deep meaning in that roxy fantastic work as always in the presentation and these words are precious.
Wowwwwwwwwww .................. I'm speechless. So many details. For me you are a role model, respect
Great and excellent work. I know what you mean with your words. My mother past by 2008 and sometimes I have this feelings.
Such a beautiful and emotionally charged image, you can feel her pain. Fantastic work and words!
fantastic scene, wonderful detail and FX, wonderfully done setting and character
Superb artform!
Outstanding work! Father permits the mistake of his daughter.
Very nice picture which I like very much in its details and color!
Ditto what Dave, Jenny and the others said! Great job on this picture, Roxy! Really fantastic image and a powerful message to go with it. You've really struck a chord with this one. Well done!