Sat, Feb 15, 10:12 AM CST

The Challenge - Arawen (for Zil2008 and PDesign)

Poser Fantasy posted on Apr 01, 2010
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Please view full size for Atmospherics; they just don't show in a small image. Liz (zil2008) and I had been discussing if it was at all possible to turn Petra's new ultra cute elf girl, Arawen, to the darkside. Before I knew what had hit me Liz had posted this picture "Arawen 2" of Arawen as a dark sorceress and challenged me to make her into a dark warrior. Never one to turn down a gauntlet tossed I accepted her challenge and here is my response - "The Challenge." It is my effort to turn the cute little Arawen into a dark warrior. Is she dark enough for you Liz? Petra, I trust you do not mind a couple of us having some fun with your baby and perhaps pushing her limits a bit. Thank you Liz for issuing the challenge, for a challenge it was indeed. And Petra, thank you for gifting Arawen to both Liz and myself to play with. This one took an aweful lot of material room work and many hours of postwork to get the mood and affects I wanted. It was a lot of fun. I hope you like it. Please follow the link above to see the image by Liz that started this off! --------------------------------------------- Arawen had grown tired. Not physically mind you, but weary in the sense of being constantly challenged by miscreants. She was THE Dark Queen and had been so for eons. No one had ever dared deny her total control of the darklands. Until now. At first the Knights of Darkness had been but a minor irritant, cutting a bit into her trade of souls, but overall doing no real damage to her. In fact she had been rather charmed and amused by their rituals of sacrificial headhunting. As long as they stayed away from her, and gave her due respect, who really cared if a few peasants got bushwacked now and then? But then word got back to her that her three best dark demons that she had sent to the Knight's court as emissaries had not simply been lost in the journey as they had told her. Rather they had been executed by the Knights and their now varnished skulls were being displayed as prized trophies in the Knight's sacred temple. That was the final straw - no one dared harm Arawen's beloved dark demon viziers, let alone kill them! So Arawan summoned her own dark army and with her mighty red charger, Balzar, had struck directly into the heartland of the Knights domain. At the height of her attack the weather had turned to pure hell. A mighty windstorm blew in and with it a steady downpour. Was it some dark spell cast by the Knights? Maybe. But misery mattered not to Arawen, she was used to it, in fact she thrived on it; it would not deter her. Arawen was determined to lay waste to these miserable upstart skely bastards once and for all! No one would forget this day; no one would challenge the Dark Queen again! ------------------------------- My Lightworker version of Arawen

Comments (47)



10:03PM | Thu, 01 April 2010

Excellent work, Roxy! the Force is strong with her. Great image and wonderful story



10:04PM | Thu, 01 April 2010

I would say you rose to the challenge and met it with flying colours! Very intensive scene! I honestly don't think there's a beauty out there that you CAN'T magic into a magnificent warrior maiden! Exceptional image!



10:05PM | Thu, 01 April 2010

Very nice!!!



10:10PM | Thu, 01 April 2010

both of you have done superb job with the darkside of her character. great action scene roxy, love that dead warrior.



10:14PM | Thu, 01 April 2010

The details are amazing in this fierce battle scene. She looks like she has it well in hand too! Bravo..



10:28PM | Thu, 01 April 2010

This not only shows a darker side of Arawen, but puts her in a fantastically detailed and wonderfully textured fantasy action scene! It shows the girl with some real kick-butt spunk!! Nicely done!



10:30PM | Thu, 01 April 2010

WOW! and WOW! Roxy this one is beyond cool and literally grabs hold and pulls you into the midst of this battle. And what a battle it is as you can almost hear each blow and feel the excitement building. Love the massive amount of details here and the ultra realistic battle scars. You did a brilliant job of turning Petra's Elf Girl into the ultimate warrior.



10:35PM | Thu, 01 April 2010

I don't know if she is dark - she's fighting baddies! But cute and sexy and, well, FIERCE! Really well done! Plus, incredible detail and wonderful action!



10:49PM | Thu, 01 April 2010

Fantastic looking picture! Great job on these characters and the whole picture.



11:11PM | Thu, 01 April 2010

Wow, this is right out there with your best works. Did you rise to the challenge or what. Her expression. She just looks so firece and is totally kicking ass. The full view is just fantastic and I can see all the special details as you put into all your work. You did fantastic at turning cute dark. Excellent job on this one Roxy.



11:26PM | Thu, 01 April 2010




12:02AM | Fri, 02 April 2010

Fantastic artwork Roxy! All those hours of work paid off in multiples! Beautifully composed, and very dramatic - Arawen certainly looks to be one not to trifle with. Outstanding storyline to go with the image, as well. I just 'adaopted' Arawen a couple days ago, but with all the chaos of the last week, she hasn't had a chance to get out of my runtime and play, yet. Hope to fix that this weekend...



12:11AM | Fri, 02 April 2010

NICE done ! :)



12:38AM | Fri, 02 April 2010

This is a gorgeous image, amazing details, really a fine scene!



1:58AM | Fri, 02 April 2010

great work Roxy. Super scene packed with details. You feel the fight and wind in the scene. It shows how much effort you put in to the effects with the postwork WOW



2:01AM | Fri, 02 April 2010

Fantastic scene and details..well done!!



2:15AM | Fri, 02 April 2010

Definitely worth the full view, great work Roxy



3:18AM | Fri, 02 April 2010

Great Scene and amazing details!!



4:10AM | Fri, 02 April 2010

Great and wonderful work.



4:53AM | Fri, 02 April 2010

great story and scene, wonderful detail and action



5:48AM | Fri, 02 April 2010

Excellent image.



6:26AM | Fri, 02 April 2010

Super cool image and story. I love the details you put into this Roxy.


6:48AM | Fri, 02 April 2010

Looks great!! Fantastic scene Roxy!! :)



7:17AM | Fri, 02 April 2010

Fantastic!!!!! Hope she prevails ove the Knghts of Darkness!!!



7:50AM | Fri, 02 April 2010

Amazing battle scene my friend, the poses are fantastic and the atmosphere is intense! More great work ... go to my favorites! Big hug!



10:45AM | Fri, 02 April 2010

Fantastic Scene !



11:54AM | Fri, 02 April 2010

Well, I think you've succeeded in making her a dark and fierce warrior! :) Very well done, love the scene :)



11:57AM | Fri, 02 April 2010

fantastic scene very cool details and amazing flow of action, well doone Rox!!!



12:24PM | Fri, 02 April 2010

Excellent composition with fantastic colors and detail but the girl is too cute in a context like this IMO!



3:14PM | Fri, 02 April 2010

Excellent scene! The posing is good and the post-work is excellent. The sense of wind from the leaves in the air is well attained and the blood work is well done.

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