Sun, Feb 16, 4:55 PM CST

Passion for Life

Fractal Fantasy posted on Apr 06, 2009
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Where peace and tranquility abide... harmony is sure to follow. You and I were created to be joyous and filled with an enthusiasm for life. How do we attain this state? We live our life from the inside out. We live in the NOW (no other when)... we do not worry about the should haves, could haves or the maybes and what ifs. We live each day with passion... with a deep indwelling passion for life... for when you live from the inside out, things in our experience will seem to change. But what has really changed is us... what has changed is how we perceive our experience. So take that chance... do that dance... that dance of life. Dare to just be. For you are so much more than you appear to be and that is a truth. Truths never change; only appearances (facts) change. You, my friend, are truly magnificent and most spectacular... you are unique. So... when you write your dreams and desires in your Life's Journal today, be oh so daring and bold... be outrageous when you dream... your dreams and desires can and will be realized in your life when you believe that they can and will... then at the most unexpected times... and... from the most unexpected channels, avenues, ways, and means... they will take form and appear in your life. Now that is something worth having... that is something worth writing about... that is really something worth believing in. Our thought for the day is: 'To a mind that is still the whole universe surrenders.' Quote by Chuang Tzu. I wish you a day filled with love and wrapped in a hug and may you know the joy of a day filled with butterflies and roses. © Gayle O This is a single flame created in Apophysis 3D Hack. The seed script used in this piece is Bunny Clarke's BC's 3D Faerie_Blossoms-v3. There were some minor tweaks by me. Post work was done in PSP. Please check out Bunny Clarke's gallery. Here is the link. Thank you for stopping by to share a moment of time with me and for viewing my art. Thank you for your comments on this image and my previous images. Each one is like a precious jewel and will always be treasured. I send a most heart felt thank you to those of you who have favored me as an artist or have favored one of my images. Your visits to my gallery mean a lot to me. They make my world a little brighter and bring rainbows to my valley of life. May your book of life always hold the secrets of delight and may those secrets of delight bring you an unending joy all the days of your life. Namaste. my store

Comments (85)



7:21AM | Wed, 08 April 2009

awesome fractals....marveolus design and fantastic colors...excellent art..!!!



12:33PM | Wed, 08 April 2009

Fascinating tones and flowers. Really nice ;O)



4:48PM | Wed, 08 April 2009

What a dreamy array of beautifull elements,really attractive work:)bye cal



6:50PM | Wed, 08 April 2009

Very nice fractal! Great colours and design. Really well done.



12:23AM | Thu, 09 April 2009

Exquisite work Gayle!



12:24AM | Thu, 09 April 2009




12:26PM | Thu, 09 April 2009




11:07PM | Thu, 09 April 2009

Wonderful pic! Really nicely done!



12:13AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

Fantastic composition. Wonderful colors and design. Looks very very beautiful!!



5:53PM | Fri, 10 April 2009

This is so fresh and spring like....I just love it!



4:26PM | Sat, 11 April 2009

This is so magical, a floral fantasy, filled with life!


10:16PM | Sat, 11 April 2009

So very beautiful! Excellent work, Gayle, and I wish you the same!



11:27PM | Sat, 11 April 2009

Delicate and lovely, but with great strength and passion! Superb :)



8:45AM | Sun, 12 April 2009

Fantastic and very beautiful fractal composition, Gayle. The pastel colouring and light, really deliver the passion of life. Magnificent craftsmanship.



3:59PM | Sun, 12 April 2009

I view lovely flowers.



9:08AM | Thu, 16 April 2009

This is so pretty. Nice job!



9:57AM | Thu, 16 April 2009




7:22AM | Thu, 23 April 2009

Lovely palette, beautiful!



4:16AM | Sun, 26 April 2009

Wonderful words and a beautiful artwork !!! Super rendering, dear Gayle :)



2:27PM | Mon, 27 April 2009

Stunning work!



1:14PM | Thu, 30 April 2009




12:42AM | Thu, 21 May 2009

Wow. Amazing.



11:58AM | Sat, 30 May 2009

Wonderful, very unique style !! ^ ^



8:16PM | Mon, 24 August 2009

this is one of the best fractual artwork I have ever seen, this one is astonishing... it feels "pretty" in my heart.



9:01PM | Sun, 22 November 2009


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