Wed, Feb 19, 2:51 AM CST

Within Our Seed

Fractal Fantasy posted on Apr 10, 2009
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How are you this day? Most splendid I am sure. Today is a day to be outrageous and to celebrate our life. Why? Because we are unique and we should always celebrate our uniqueness. You and I are one of a kind. In all the world there is no one exactly like us. Within our seed of life grows a most magnificent flower. It is a flower that will bloom to its fullness when we are ready to become that flower. For now, we are preparing our life's garden for our flower and filling it with our most precious thoughts and dreams. We are lifting and releasing our old beliefs that no longer serve us. We are returning them to the earth from whence they came. There they shall begin anew and shall be revitalized and re-energized so that they may be used again by another who is a dreamer like us. So let us attend to the planting and cultivating of our life's garden. Let us take this time to nurture our seed that is within. Let us nurture it with our passion... our love... and our joy for life. Let us sing into our seed the truths of our spiritual being and let us tell it that we are one. That we are a part of that One Great Cause... and because we are, we are perfection made manifest. So today... just for today... we shall release that which no longer serves us and create a vacuum for our Greater Good to fill. Nature hates a vacuum and will rush to fill it. When we are ready, nature will fill our vacuum with a most marvelous peace and tranquility that we could have ever dared to imagine. So let us dance... that oh so wonderful dance of life. How divine. How simply divine. Our thought for the today is: 'The paradox of courage is that a man must be a little careless of his life in order to keep it.' ..Quote by G.K. Chesterton May this day bring you the peace that you seek. May this day quiet your concerns of the unknown. But most of all, may this day teach you that you are enough... that you are fully equipped to move into your future. © Gayle O This is a single flame created in Apophysis 3D Hack. The seed script used in this piece is Bunny Clarke's BC's 3D Faerie_Blossoms-v3. There were some minor tweaks by me. Post work was done in PSP. Please check out Bunny Clarke's gallery. Here is the link. Thank you for stopping by to share a moment of time with me and for viewing my art. Thank you for your comments on this image and my previous images. Each one is like a precious jewel and will always be treasured. I send a most heart felt thank you to those of you who have favored me as an artist or have favored one of my images. Your visits to my gallery mean a lot to me. They make my world a little brighter and bring rainbows to my valley of life. May this day bring you the peace that you seek. May this day quiet your concerns of the unknown. But most of all, may this day teach you that you are enough... that you are fully equipped to move into your future. Namaste.

Comments (82)



12:08AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

I am in awe every time I see your work



12:12AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

This is a real beauty, like a mirror with blasted glass motives. Fav!



12:17AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

Outstanding artwork, a real pleasure to look at!



12:23AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

Wow, Gayle. Simply beautiful. Definitely a fave :)



12:39AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

Gorgeous image and wonderful words



12:41AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

Wonderful work Gayle!



12:43AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

lovely and spirutual Gayle x



12:46AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

Excellent work!!



1:00AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

Very nice Gayle



1:03AM | Fri, 10 April 2009




1:30AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

An absolute masterpiece, Gayle. Really extraordinary !



1:50AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

Great composition ! FANTASTIC result ! ASTOUNDING !!!



1:59AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

thank you Gayle ... and what a gorgeous fractal ... looks like a photo of a stained glass window ... fantastic!



2:07AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

Sometimes Gayle, your hues just knock me out. Not only because you get this 'pearl' like lustre (light within light, light that dwells inside solid things), but because your hues cut right to the inner core. Your blues & blue-greens are just gorgeous here—soul-hues at their best. And they morph into violets in the deeper places of this piece; and your reds are tinged with violets as well. Beauteous color Gayle, center-of-the-ventricles color...And the shapes are flower & leaf-like, and you have them flowering across the painting, in & out of themselves and over & under your frames. And there are lights everywhere too, your usual nodules of light that speckle so many of your works... There's an old Hindu legend that says the elephant is 'slow' because it's contemplating its past lives, in order—at death—to slough them off and be reborn anew. So when we see the elephant lumbering, we have to remember—says the tale—that it's preparing to leave the old and burst into the new. ("Celebrate," says the tale, "the elephant is about to embrace the stars!") But the tale goes on to say that the 'new' was actually there from the start: The creature just needed to slow down enough to 'find' it. Thus it became an elephant! ... Once again you've painted your words, and your art seems to show us where they lead. Beautiful panoply, and sumptuous as well. Another fav...



2:13AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

This is a real beauty erland



2:28AM | Fri, 10 April 2009




2:34AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

Beautiful design..



3:28AM | Fri, 10 April 2009




3:44AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

Beautiful design.



3:47AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

Excellent work!!!



5:04AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

Very beautiful composition;wonderful colours and design!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



5:19AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

Wonderful and dreamy imagination, Gayle!!!



5:21AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

wonderful art work!!!!



5:45AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

marveolus fractals...superb the image...excellent art...super compliment..!!!!


6:59AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

Your image is magnificent. It exudes peace and tranquility. I love the colors and the grand size of the design. This is a favorite.



7:10AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

A beautiful feeling and movement ;O)


7:24AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

Very beautiful soft colors!!! Excellent work!!



7:31AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

Wonderful new work here Gayle, you never cease to amaze me with your heart and talent


7:44AM | Fri, 10 April 2009

Wonderful softness and nesting visual effect.



8:14AM | Fri, 10 April 2009


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